question on Bahamas planning/routing (??)

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Sep 24, 2019
Hello all! I am working to come up with a plan for the upcoming season, mid-December to mid-May, for cruising the Bahamas in our bluewater trawler (6'7" draft, anchorages preferred & marinas when necessary)

Looking for suggestions on building out a route, if it makes most sense to cruise a particular area for the earlier part of the season (dec/jan) when cold fronts may be prevalent ...then keeping her (slowly) moving as the season progresses. Jumentos, Exumas, Eleuthera, Abacos are all goals, open to wherever in addition , and in no particular order.....the question would be is there a recommended particular order? Its a wide open question but it will be our first full season in the bahamas so always appreciate insight from those before me. Kind Regards.
Lots of places you can go, even with 6' 7" draft, but you will be probably be taking a much more "roundabout" course than the people with 4' draft! We'll be where you want to go in another year or so. We draw 5.5' and there are areas where we'll be taking the long way as there is a lot of skinny water in the Bahamas!

Just out of curiosity, what type of "Bluewater Trawler" do you have?
That’s a lot of draft, what boat do you have?
Hello all! I am working to come up with a plan for the upcoming season, mid-December to mid-May, for cruising the Bahamas in our bluewater trawler (6'7" draft, anchorages preferred & marinas when necessary)

Looking for suggestions on building out a route, if it makes most sense to cruise a particular area for the earlier part of the season (dec/jan) when cold fronts may be prevalent ...then keeping her (slowly) moving as the season progresses. Jumentos, Exumas, Eleuthera, Abacos are all goals, open to wherever in addition , and in no particular order.....the question would be is there a recommended particular order? Its a wide open question but it will be our first full season in the bahamas so always appreciate insight from those before me. Kind Regards.

We draw 5 foot 6 inch, We Did the entire Abacos and Eluthra last year, no problems, This year the Exhumas. The trickiest part is crossing the Florida Current in non-northerly winds, Once over its pretty straight forward in most areas. Just make sure you get a good Bahama Cruising guide, don't soley rely on computer charts. The ones I use are the Explorer Chartbooks sold through LandFall Navigation. Definitely worth the money!!
We draw 5 foot 6 inch, We Did the entire Abacos and Eluthra last year, no problems, This year the Exhumas. The trickiest part is crossing the Florida Current in non-northerly winds, Once over its pretty straight forward in most areas. Just make sure you get a good Bahama Cruising guide, don't soley rely on computer charts. The ones I use are the Explorer Chartbooks sold through LandFall Navigation. Definitely worth the money!!

The long jumps require patience to avoid lumpy seas but since you have several months, should be no issue. We typically go Miami - Bimini - Berrys -Nassau - Exumas first since you can cruise the Exumas in most moderate wind situations. Down to Georgetown/back is an exposed leg requiring timing, as is venturing further afield of Georgetown.

We typically work our way back to Eleuthera, then time the jump to Little Harbor (u must anchor outside until high tide) from Spanish Wells according to seas. From there, all the Abacos are open to you again watch weather and tides at the Whale.

The other reason we do the Abacos last is our insurance used to mandate being N of FL border by June 1, so being in the Abacos already, allowed easier timing of weather patterns to meet the deadline.

Definitely use Explorer Charts, but paper not mandatory. We use Aqua Maps which are based on Explorer charts running on iPads at each helm.
Appreciate all the feedback, trawler is a Nordhavn 60. I've gravitated towards Explorer Charts thus far via Aquamaps and plan on picking up paper copies as well.
Appreciate all the feedback, trawler is a Nordhavn 60. I've gravitated towards Explorer Charts thus far via Aquamaps and plan on picking up paper copies as well.

I draft 6'4" and your extra 3" isn't a problem really. In the end all it means is you can not go into some cays. You have to learn to hang with us sailboaters.

I also use the AquaMaps and Explorer charts.
We have a Selene, 6' 6" draft. Here's what we do...Start in No Name Harbor, Key Biscayne, FL and wait for a good weather window to pass to Bimini. From there to Great Harbor Berry Islands. Go down the Berry's the cross over to Highbourne Cay (Exumas). Stop at Nassau if you must. Work your way down the Exumas to Georgetown. Then go down the Jumentos to between the Raggeds. Head back north and up Long Island, Conception, Cat Island, Eluthera, then through the Abacos back to FL. When you get to the Abacos you'll be disappointed. The other islands are better (Imho).

We did that route last year over 5 months. It's amazing! You haven't experienced freedom until you get out of the US. The Bahamians are the best part.

Get comfortable with less than a foot under your keel, it's just sand (mostly). And yes, you must use Aquamaps. All others are wildly inaccurate.

5 months at anchor every night, no marinas. Make sure the watermakers good, good freezer packed with frozen food, and spares, oil, fuel, etc.

Have fun. See you there.
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If you're insurance allows it, the weather is better later in the season. We usually anchor near the Palm Beach City Dock (great shore access and restaurants) and wait for a weather window from Chris Parker, then we cross to the West End after registering here The Old Bahama Bay resort marina is excellent and has a huge fuel dock, then we proceed to Flamingo Bay Marina Resort, Lucaya. Then a long crossing to the Berry's using Chris Parker, anchoring out, and getting fuel at Great Harbour Cay, then over to Hoffman's Cay (and be sure to stop at the fabulous Chub Cay Resort) then on to Nassau and a short crossing to the Exumas, beginning with Allen Cay and beyond. We use Navionics because it autoroutes and we have have never had a problem with charted depths. You'll need a good tide app and the Windy app to be sure you do not go through a cut durring a "RAGE" in generaal all cuts should be navigated durring high slack tide, with no east wind. We generally do not anchor near a cut.
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We have a Selene, 6' 6" draft. Here's what we do...Start in No Name Harbor, Key Biscayne, FL and wait for a good weather window to pass to Bimini. From there to Great Harbor Berry Islands. Go down the Berry's the cross over to Highbourne Cay (Exumas). Stop at Nassau if you must. Work your way down…

Get comfortable with less than a foot under your keel, it's just sand (mostly). . .

No issues with yellow bank?
I stayed on the magenta line and had no issues. However, when I did that trip I thought my draft was 5'-9". I since measured it accurately at 6'-6"/

To accurately measure the draft (and I would recommend everyone do this) you should have the boat on the hard on level ground, concrete is best. Measure from the ground to the lowest part of the keel, then measure from the ground to the top of the boot stripe. Now you know how far it is from the top of the boot stripe to the bottom of the keel. Subtract the distance from the top of the boot stripe to the waterline to get your draft, which will change depending on the loading (fuel, water, provisions, etc.).

The Selene website said 5'-9" draft, but the actual draft is 6'-6" at half load.
No issues with yellow bank?

I have crossed it many times with a 6'4" draft and never close to a depth issue. I do steer around the big coral heads, but don't know if they are raised (everything looks like it is in 2' of water)

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