Rail netting

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Oct 19, 2015
United States
Vessel Name
Pacific Myst
Vessel Make
West Bay 4500
We want to install rail netting on the fore deck and flybridge for safety. If you've done it and been happy with it please let me know what you used. As well as hints on the technique.

On the previous boat we used LIFELINE NET 4" #36 13MD WHITE from Seattle Marine and Fishing. There is also the Sailrite product Lifeline Netting 24 - 32" in Height. Sailrite's product is considerably more expensive than Sea Mar's but I'm not sure it would perform any better.

It was OK but not great and a pain to install. One of the challenges is Sailrite's video How to install lifeline netting on a boat shows the installation on life lines. We will be installing on rails.
If the netting is in an area that you look thru when navigating the boat use a dark color as white is a visual distraction. Worked good to keep dog and kid onboard.
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