My boat came to me with a mast and boom. I soon learned that the mast wasn't tallenough to be useful and the boom was so short that its longest reach wasn't out as far as the water. I persevered and in our first attempt to lift something, a Sabot hull weighing under 50 lb, the tabernacle broke and everything came crashing down.
Silly me, I replaced everything, as I wanted to carry a laser. I needed something that could lift 150 lb reliably, so would also be useful as a rescue hoist.
My solution is still in use, over 25 years later. My boom reaches 30" over the side, the mast carries Radar and all the usual stuff, I can lower it to get into my shelter without help or any fancy clip on or bolt on extras, I have no shrouds that would decapitate me if I had to run, so the annoyance of swinging the boom aside when I want to set up the chairs on the aft cabin top is minimal. I run with the boom hoisted to 45°, so it is out of the way unless the chairs are set up.