renting your boat out???

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Renting Real Estate is what I do currently.
It is not for everyone.
On a long term basis or short term basis as a landlord you need to be emotionally detached from the thing being rented. Stuff happens.

To move that scenario on the water I believe it could work. Just maybe not for this user.
Short term rental on the water where the vessel never leaves a slip, takes a lot of risk out of an on the water situation where a moving object meets another or meets a fixed object.
To change that to a vessel underway, a "crewed" or really just a captained vessel might fit the bill. The expense is greater because the captain has to be paid. The type and condition of the vessel is a bigger factor too. The possibility of an on the water break down due to lack of maintenance will be a big turn off for companies or individuals that would let out your boat. And needed repairs/maintenance that would occur while you are not there would be done on a professional basis and cost to keep it "ship shape".

However, neither solution above works when traveling in your boat.
If that is the solution desired it would be an expense you would want to consider in your budget. And as mentioned above, a mechanical failure requiring you to find a port or worse requiring the boat to be lifted out of the water for substantial work may stop your living arrangements.

Boats dwell in a much harsher environment than a land-based building. This requires more work than a land-based property. And very few boats are maintained to the level of an aircraft. (which is the other end of upkeep) If that standard was obtained, your boat would easily be in a condition to produce an income. However, based on your posts I am not sure if you have the capacity. Only you can make that judgement.

I know you are exploring at this point. Just go into to a situation with eyes wide open.

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