River debris

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Mar 30, 2012
Vessel Name
Invader no1
Vessel Make
Kishi Boat works
I was wondering what the new noises over night be. Admiral comes home, tells oldguy to go check out the dead head next door. Looks like it cycled a couple of times cause it was locked in like a piling. Hard to get a good line on it for a pull even if we moved the boat. So choked it with a line and let the tide pull it out off the bottom. But these things will ruin your day.


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Ouch. It's bad enough when they wait for you out in the open water but when they hunt you down....
High tides.
Sleep ?
I hate when I miss this stuff.


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This was in the shipping channel just west of the Antioch Bridge, observed on our way to last year's Asparagus Fair in Stockton. ... The USCG reported a ten-to-fifteen-foot log north of Treasure Island today.


Yesterday afternoon just after high tide I noticed the dock lifting. A couple of hours later it just got nasty. Gave the tug a shot at pulling it out from under but the choke let go. Blew the one pos chance early. baby ssat the deal over night and now we have the log chained up in hopes the tide will pull it out using the dock. First time I have seen these docks out of the water. This log is big.


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Wait till the rains come back.
What became of the debris trap on the Fraser? I know it was once funded by the feds, the province, and insurance companies, but the last I heard (some years ago) one of them was pulling out and its future was in doubt. Any insights?

Interesting night you had.
Pulling the dead head out.

Eric. Rain ? not really, its just high water that pulls this stuff down river. High water ? the cause ? sure a good rain adds l. Global warming as some suggest Just makes me laugh till I choke.
We have been directing or channeling the Fraser using dikes for 100 years. The river is rising cause the channels are filling with sediment. They add pumping stations and gates but the river just don't care. No place or commercial use for the sediment so no want or "need" at this point to dredge as that's an environmental problem. Etc Etc. Flooding along the Fraser is not an if but simply a when. With a huge cost and loss of infrastructure.

Conrad seems the only folk accountable for this issue is guys like me, pleasure cruisers, marinas , users of our water way. The logs are owned by the forest companies so don't even think about recovery of any kind. They will not even pay commercial log salvage a reasonable amount to collect the product. I can go on and on.

Issues ya yet all one has to do is take a boat ride with me and see with there own eyes. Seems I cant get any one, any organization, or Government employee or elected official to take me up on that offer.

I know too much bla bla bla.

Any way is what it is and I am getting too old for that crap, at least I can reason with the dead head.:lol:

Pics from this morning as the dock pulled the bugger out of the bottom. Looks like it was driven into the bottom about 4 feet. But its out and all gear recovered, very little actual damage. Sure cuts into the real work schedule however.

Oh and a pic of George junior as I waited for the tide to do its work.


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This guy drifted into our marina a couple of months ago. A beautiful Cypress log about 30' long and 30" diameter. 20 years ago I'd have brought it home and made a dugout pirogue out of it but I've got enough stuff going on for now.


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This guy drifted into our marina a couple of months ago. A beautiful Cypress log about 30' long and 30" diameter. 20 years ago I'd have brought it home and made a dugout pirogue out of it but I've got enough stuff going on for now.

Too bad you didn't though, Steve, since then you could have poled the pirogue down the bayou. :)
Too bad you didn't though, Steve, since then you could have poled the pirogue down the bayou. :)
But I do have the plywood pirogue, one I made in the 80s, I paddle it though. I don't recall seeing anyone around here poling a pirogue in real life.
I do keep a push pole on my fishing boat for shallow water .
Seen in the shipping channel adjacent to the Antioch Bridge:

I don't recall seeing anyone around here poling a pirogue in real life.

Never having been to the bayou had always wondered if they where poled or rowed. The few times I've poled a john boat duck hunting proved it to be harder than it seemed. Of course a less muddy bottom would have helped.
Bayous are usually too deep for practical poling so are paddled. I believe in the shallow swampy areas is where a pole would come in handy for pushing against tree trunks or cypress knees, and for whacking ferocious alligators and cottonmouths if you are a Swamp People TV show fan.
Never having been to the bayou had always wondered if they where poled or rowed. The few times I've poled a john boat duck hunting proved it to be harder than it seemed. Of course a less muddy bottom would have helped.

I don't know either, Craig, but the line was from an old Hank Williams song ("Jambalaya") where he sings " . . . me gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou . . .
This is a proper pole boat. I built it with my friend Snapper from plans in the book Gladesman. The shape mimics the Seminole dug out canoes.

Passed this sweet D H on the way to the beach. Its just in want of some poor pleasure boater. Then a nice full moon to light the beach , warm evening with some buds by a warm fire.


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Where are you relative to the George Massey Tunnel?
Floating in the middle of the shipping channel, immediately west of Antioch (CA) bridge:

We were just west of Antioch Bridge about 2 weeks ago...a partially sunk boat went drifting by, right down the channel.

This looked to be a fiberglass, open bow, maybe in the 20ft range, bow up.

It was called in just a few minutes before we came across it.

I'll guess the partially-sunk boat will end up in middle ground in Suisun Bay, like a couple of other derelicts.

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