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Robert beebe passage maker 56 for sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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May 2, 2020
Vessel Name
Seabiscuit IV
Vessel Make
Passage Maker 56
NEW UPGRADES New lounges Main sail new front mattress sailbag Sunbrelor covers start batteries just Antifouled fresh Propspeed hull sides and deck painted engine and generator service and water pumps reconditioned. new belts. Seabiscuit IV was designed by Robert Beebe a renowned naval architect who designed over 150 vessels one of which was the Passage Maker 56, the original Seabiscuit. Beebe had built Passage Maker for himself to circumnavigate the world. The original Passage Maker travelled over 60,000 miles and is still on the water today. The design of the Passage Maker vessels was so successful that he wrote a book based on it called, Voyaging Under Power. Seabiscuit IV was a new design concept of sailing and motor cruiser boat combined, resulting in the creation of the perfect long-range expedition vessel. Built in 1985 in Ballina NSW, Seabiscuit IV construction took 36months, 18 months to procure the timber and 18 months to build. At a then cost of $1m. She was built to survey and worked for many years in Sydney harbour as a charter boat and was honoured to be the Sydney to Hobart yacht race start boat. She has a maximum speed of 10kn. For optimum efficiency, her huge 36inch variable pitch propeller can be adjusted either by being completely feathered while sailing or by increasing the pitch and lowering the revs while motor sailing. Under motor alone, she is more than capable of bettering 1L per nm and less so with the assistance of some wind. She will cruise under sail alone comfortably at 6 1/2 to 7kn in 17 kn winds. With her generous fuel capacity, well over 3000nm is achievable on motor alone. Also on board, there are an additional 2x 400L stainless steel fuel tanks that are currently not in use, which could be used for extra fuel Her current owner has lived on and maintained Seabiscuit IV for five years. He has adoringly kept her modern by upgrading systems, and electrical devices while keeping her beautiful charm. Over their years together he has kept her ship shape and in perfect working order. Travelling off-grid is not a concern for Seabiscuit IV as she is fitted with a massive 1800 amp hours of gel hybrid AGM batteries (1 year old), 400ah in 12v, a 5000W Victron inverter charger and 3x Victron solar controllers that are powered by 2700W of solar, allowing you to live off-grid with ease. Other upgrades include a 240v watermaker with all new membranes still in their packets, that will produce 200L per hour when required. With her 2000L stainless steel water tank, the watermaker has not yet been needed but if you wanted to venture further offshore, you can have peace of mind about your water supply. The freshwater filter system uses three filters and provides excellent clean water to the galley, to the new owner surplus spare filters will be provided. Seabiscuit IV has recently been painted with 2pac deck paint and a fresh antifouling hull including Propspeed, new varnishing on her exposed timber including her beautiful stern. All these areas have been sanded back to bare wood and coated with 9 layers of International Perfection plus 2pac varnish. The heart of this vessel is the original British built Gardner 6LX diesel engine which is, still currently the second most efficient diesel engine ever built. The Gardner 6LX is known for its extreme reliability and longevity. Most components bolted to this motor have been replaced or reconditioned A modified system has been engineered for the twin alternators 12V and 24V so that regular automotive alternators can be used. For the new owner, Seabiscuit IV is generously equipped with an ample amount of spares including starter motors, alternators, water pumps, freshwater pumps, inverter, charges, and many consumables belts pulleys filters etc including for the 9KVA Westerbeke generator. Vessel is currently in the Philippines and available for inspection. can deliver anywhere UPDATE. New Hyde Mainsail New Sunbrella Sailbag and lazy jacks Seat cover Hatch covers.
Price reduced from $550k Australian
To $410k Australian dollars.
Can deliver current location Indonesia but heading back to Australia soon.


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Wow: what a beauty. Do you have a link to a listing on Yachthub, or similar? And I would like to see ER and mechanical/battery pics, too.
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