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Thanks everyone for the nice comments . Every time I do a project like this something gets donated to the lake . This time it was my old Leatherman . The case looks sad . I have this for over 30 years! :banghead:


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The older we get, the greater the losses.
Have you considered a tether for hand tools- now that we're all old?? ;)

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
Yes , In a rush I put the Leatherman in a pocket in my pants with a hole big enough for a forklift to pass thru . I watched it hit the dock and then the water !
Large magnet on a cord?
I've done it for keys in approx. 50 ft of water.

I will try that . I think the whole thing stainless steel, but maybe if it's a low enough grade it will still take a magnet .
Marty & Joy - you guys give me hope. Looks great from here!
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