Seeking tips for mold removal from carpet.

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May 14, 2012
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derilic sailboat
Here's the back story. My mother was on her way home from work. An intersection had flooded. Normally this intersection doesn't flood but the drain was clogged. A line of lifted trucks sped by my mother, spraying her car with a deluge of water. She slowed down but couldn't see the flooded road ahead because of the trucks spraying her car with water. Her car along with another car ended up in the flooded area dead in the water. I had the car towed home and got the engine de-watered and running. I siphoned the water out of the car's interior but it's still soggy and currently drying in the sun. I used my wet/dry shop vac to get all the water out I could. Unfortunately, I don't have the specialty tools to remove the seats to take out the carpet. The guy I grew up learning auto upholstery from didn't have the tool for me to borrow. I can't find one in store or online. So now I am here asking you guys what I can use to prevent mold and mildew from growing while the car is drying out. Any help would be great. I've been researching the problem but I keep coming up with bleach and vinegar. I don't want to use these because for the obvious reasons. I keep thinking 303 but that is a protectant and not a cleaner.
Insurance claim? Pay someone else to fix it.
Here's the back story. My mother was on her way home from work. An intersection had flooded. Normally this intersection doesn't flood but the drain was clogged. A line of lifted trucks sped by my mother, spraying her car with a deluge of water. She slowed down but couldn't see the flooded road ahead because of the trucks spraying her car with water. Her car along with another car ended up in the flooded area dead in the water. I had the car towed home and got the engine de-watered and running. I siphoned the water out of the car's interior but it's still soggy and currently drying in the sun. I used my wet/dry shop vac to get all the water out I could. Unfortunately, I don't have the specialty tools to remove the seats to take out the carpet. The guy I grew up learning auto upholstery from didn't have the tool for me to borrow. I can't find one in store or online. So now I am here asking you guys what I can use to prevent mold and mildew from growing while the car is drying out. Any help would be great. I've been researching the problem but I keep coming up with bleach and vinegar. I don't want to use these because for the obvious reasons. I keep thinking 303 but that is a protectant and not a cleaner.
Insurance claim? Pay someone else to fix it.
Doesn't meet her deductible. Mother was to shook up by it all plus the intersection is very dangerous spot to be stuck in. The speed limit jumps from 35 mph to 55 mph right there and most people are running 60+ mph before they hit the 55 mph zone.

No one knows the guys that did it so no one to stick the bill to. County could be sued but it would cost more than it's worth. I got the car running and it is fine other than the water that got into the floor. It was about 4 inches but nothing electrical got wet. The seats didn't even get wet underneath. Only the carpet and plastic trim that holds the carpet down around the floor and doors. I have had the car open and drying since last night. It's slowly coming along. We have good wind, lots of sun, and 90+ degrees today so that is helping.
Vinegar is a good preventer. Recommendations are to spray on and let dry. Something about the acidic condition that makes it work I guess.
Fans blowing on it will hasten the drying as would a dehumidifier running inside. If still some dampness when she needs it you could try some containers of "DampRid". They are used commonly on boats and RV storage to prevent dampness and mold/mildew. Just be careful with the liquid they collect and dont spill it. The solution to be disposed of is hydrochloric acid so needs to be respected.
Plus 1 on vinegar and keep the air moving and most likely for longer than you think you need to. Maybe a couple weeks later throw an ozone machine in for an hour and let it sit again open for a few days after.

The one hour most likely won’t kill rubber or even the elastics in fabrics....
Vinegar is a good preventer. Recommendations are to spray on and let dry. Something about the acidic condition that makes it work I guess.
Fans blowing on it will hasten the drying as would a dehumidifier running inside. If still some dampness when she needs it you could try some containers of "DampRid". They are used commonly on boats and RV storage to prevent dampness and mold/mildew. Just be careful with the liquid they collect and dont spill it. The solution to be disposed of is hydrochloric acid so needs to be respected.

Good ideas. Thanks. I'll try them. I don't have a dehumidifier. I'll check with my mother and aunt to see if they have one.

Plus 1 on vinegar and keep the air moving and most likely for longer than you think you need to. Maybe a couple weeks later throw an ozone machine in for an hour and let it sit again open for a few days after.

The one hour most likely won’t kill rubber or even the elastics in fabrics....

I don't have an ozone machine I'll look into them. Thanks.
I would call ServiceMasters they specialize in flood damage restoration.
I'd second getting a dehumidifier in the car ASAP. It will suck the moisture out of carpet and foam.
Once everything is good and dry and cleaned up, try Teatree oil. Mix the oil with water according to the "essential oil" directions and spray that on the carpet. Dry again using ventilation or dehumidifier.
Search the web for advice on Teatree.
Thanks everyone. The car is almost dry now. Yesterday was over 90*F here and helped a lot. The trusty shop vac pulled another gallon of water out. The water is wicking to the rear floors. I believe it's because my mother's driveway has a slight incline. She use vinegar in there yesterday evening. Today we'll get some Damprid tubs and use that. Everything is out of the car as far as personal items so she can let it dry out more while she is at work Monday.
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