Shipping Height of DeFever 41T?

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Senior Member
Apr 12, 2017
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1988 Defever 41
Need to transport boat to new home port, does anyone know height from keel to fly ridge?

Thank you!
Someone may have this available but if you have a transportation company in mind give them a call. Many of the yacht specialists have that information on file in their database. I believe Associated was a shipping company I was getting quotes from many years ago and the lady that worked the phone was extremely helpful and knowledgeable regarding what shipped how and what needed to be removed depending upon route taken.

Good luck getting your new to you baby home.
Thank you, I will check with them, I found an old post that narrowed it down, but I need to get the "facts" on height from shippers. Very helpful! A-Hoy!
Try the defever club site someone on there may be able to help.

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