Shout out to Furuno

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Veteran Member
Apr 9, 2021
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Grand Banks EU 47
2 years and 4 months ago, I replaced our boats MFD's with new TZT319's. Two months ago the display on the flybridge was starting to dim/not reach peak brightness and was hard to see in daylight. I wrote to customer service, who got back to me same day with a few troubleshooting steps, which didn't resolve the problem, so I sent it in to them at their suggestion.

They reported back that the LED's were malfunctioning and would need to be replaced. They quoted me $4,300. I asked if I was under warranty, and unfortunately I was out of their 2 year warranty, but because I was so close, they'd honor it.

A lot of companies could just tell me "tough luck", or even reduce the replacement fee (which would still be generous of them), but Furuno stepped up and did the work free of charge!

It's good to do business with companies that go above and beyond when they really don't have to. I just thought I'd share that experience with TF members, especially those who are considering what manufacture to go with.
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