Sliding Window Weather Strip Replacement

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Does anyone know what the brand and type of bedding compound is used in the original window installation on GB’s?
Hint. Ive got one of the channels out and the bedding compound is still pliable, after 47 years! It is orange/brown in colour.
It might be an asian type of butyl chaulk, our Manatee hull mating surfaces have a grey chaulking also still flexible after 33 years. It very much looks like butyl, I used Compass Marine Bed It Butyl chaulk to make repairs with very good results.
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I replaced all the window tracks, stationary glass, and epoxied and rebedded all 20 windows on our Europa.

Not hard work but man-hour intensive. My guess easy 20 hours per window. Now way better than new, should out last me.

Detailed on my blog, grandbankschoices. My bet the frame is leaking at the house or through the bungs.
We also have the same problem with our sliding salon windows—mold, green growth, dried out weather stripping, gunk etc. as timjet stated in 2007. Our boat’s a ‘96 Silverton ‘37EC. We have the fuzzy weather stripping (purchased on Amazon) to replace it all. My Dad was a boater and owned his own glass business. You can’t easily lift these windows up and out. We’ll have to look closer as to how these are installed. We’re thinking factory installed when the boat was built. Maybe screwed in somehow? Any suggestions? Has anyone had to do this before? I’m sure my Dad is watching from above and telling me I can do it! I’d appreciate some feedback please. It’s much appreciated.
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