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For Sale: SOLD 2017 Ranger Tug R31S Northwest Edition For Sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Nov 27, 2018
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Helmsman 46 Hull#1
MV Kiskadee is a fully outfitted 2017 Ranger Tug R31S Northwest Edition, turn key, ready for cruising. Powered by a reliable Volvo D-300 marine diesel (215 hours) with a full Garmin electronics package at the main helm. Bow and stern thrusters, with remote; autopilot with remote. ProMariner galvanic isolator protects the zincs while on shore power. AGM batteries. Solar. 5kw Onan generator with less than 5 hrs. Full engine service by Volvo in December 2018. Zincs and bottom paint are both in very good condition.

The R31S has a master stateroom and smaller midship berth. Master stateroom has an ensuite head and shower. Midship berth. Day head. Spotless, beautiful interior, with a functional salon and dining table. Propane range/oven, microwave, fridge and wine cooler. Optional cockpit fridge. Large windows give a lot of light, with fabric curtains for privacy at rest. A front-facing, reverse folding passenger bench seat accompanies the adjustable helm captain’s chair. Diesel engine heat and hot water are standard.

An aft helm control station is convenient for fishing and stern-in docking. The covered, roomy cockpit is equipped with a transom seat, table, plus port and starboard fold out seats. The swim step has a built-in ladder. Special Weaver stand-off davits already installed on the swim platform. A full set of zincs and various engine spares are included, as are fenders and lines.

She is ready for cruising the Pacific Northwest. Impeccably maintained. All maintenance records and manuals are available.

Length (molded) 31’ 2” Length (w/swim step) 35‘ 2“
Beam 10’ Draft 28’’ Fuel capacity 180 US Gal
Water capacity 80 US Gal Hot water 11 US Gal
Holding tank capacity 40 US Gal Dry Weight 11,000 lbs Price:

Asking $249,500

Location: Port Ludlow Marina, Port Ludlow WA (2 hrs from Seattle). For more information, please email Robert at chanprr@hotmail.com or call 925-360-4360.


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