Yanmar 6LY3-ETP knowledge?

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Sep 7, 2024
Yorktown, Va
I am looking to purchase a 2007 year boat with a single Yanmar 6LY3-ETP. I’m not familiar with Yanmars and would like some constructive feedback on this engine. Thank for the help.
Welcome aboard TF.

Not familiarvwith that model but in general Yanmarscare well N regarded. My 2008 6LYA-STP has been trouble free for its life.

Age, hours & maint are keys. It would be worth a membership to BoatDiesel.COM to research &,see if there are any issues / comments for that model. Check for any tech svc bulletins.
Do you have access to or can obtain maintvrecords?
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I believe that engine is an upgraded model of the 6LY 3STP that Bachus refers to above. I have had two boats with that engine and it was a very solid engine.

The 6LY STP and presumably the 6L3-ETP will give you thousands of hours of good service if you:

* Prop it correctly so it reaches 3,350+ rpm at wot
* Change the oil, filters, zincs as required and do all of the recommended maintenance
* Remove, disassemble, clean, grease and reassemble with new o-rings the aftercooler every five years. See SBmar.com, Tony’s tips, for info as to how to do this,
* Run it no faster on a continuous basis than 2,800 rpm’s.

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