Solve Burgee rattle?

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Good thread! I have been tortured by "Burgee Rattle" for more years than I care to admit. Tried everything and nothing works as well as the metal circular rings. Rope? eventually wears out. Zip ties? just doesn't fly properly.

I use a cloth "Burgee Condom" that I put on at night, that works fine but during the day, on the hook or mooring if theres a strong breeze the noise is fierce. (and can interrupt my nap!).

If I had the money for R & D I would try and make rubber coated rings. The rings work the best, but they make a racket.

I found that I can just keep the metal rings in place.... but just add some twine that runs through the flag ring and then around the pole and snug up tighter than the metal rings. this can be left in place, allows the burgee to still provide wind direction, but much less noise.
(To clarify; the drilled holes in the rod are too small even for small zip ties)
I had the same issue and as others have said, adding a zip tie fixes it and is practically invisible.
burgee rattle

Being incredibly frugal (OK, cheap) I use a rubber band. It is labor intensive as you have to go to the bow to apply and remove it, but it is effective and the price is right. Final hint: A single one may not last the entire season; spares are prudent.

The ensign and any other distinguishing flags are collectively referred to as ‘colours’. Colours are worn at sea (unless racing), and in harbour between the hours of 0800 (0900 in the winter months from 1 November to 14 February inclusive). Colours are struck (lowered) at sunset or 2100 if earlier.

According to 'flag etiquette', all colors, including Burgees are struck at 2100, or sunset, whichever comes first. How could a struck flag be keeping anyone awake at night??

A cover constitutes striking a flag.
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