Soon to be a liveaboard - advice?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yes, but it's a long story and is not appropriate to this forum.
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Yes, but it's a long story and is not appropriate to this forum.

Shame, but understood. Having piloted over 5,000 hours on the 707 I'd love to know the true story. Will it ever be published?
Not unless I or anyone else he told it to writes it up. There's nothing secret or proprietary about it. It's just that as is usually the case with these sorts of "legend" things, what really happened is quite different than the "legend," and in this case much more interesting I think.
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I for one would love to read about it. I have only been with Boeing since July of 2010. I love manufacturing and equipment. I have been in the manufacturing field, one way or another for some 30 plus years. One of my favorite things is to walk through the plant. Thankfully, my job requires me to investigate the equipment so I do get a chance now and then.
I can tell you that I have never been treated so well as I have been at Boeing and I have worked for quite a few. Not the highest pay but I enjoy going to work each day and that is worth a lot.
3 days, and counting...

Address successfully delivered in the Midlands whilst Lin successfuly had the final 'bits' taken by the removals guys for short term storage in Guernsey where we will be able to make the final choice of dump or keep.

Today we take the rubbish to the dump, and some items to the charity shop. The cleaners are coming in the clean and make the house ready for the owners.

Tomorrow and Friday 'should be' days of no rush. I have a lunch meetings on both days, but everything else should have been completed. Saturday is ferry day to cross the Channel to our new 'home' - Play d'eau.

Have you seen the article in Motor Boats and Yachting on page 76 about the uprade work we've done on Play d'eau? It's the April edition but available now. Hugo's editorial on page 3 is somewhat embarrassing....!
2 days, and counting...

Well, we didn't quite complete the clearing of the house on Tuesday so it was another early start yesterday to complete the job before the cleaners came in.

Another trip to the dump was followed by a dentist's appointment for me (the two weren't connected!) for a tooth that has lost its filling, before driving back to the house to help Lin.

Lin had been a star whilst I was out. The house was completely clear, with the remnants in the garage waiting to be loaded into our cars ready for when we take the ferry on Saturday.

The afternoon saw the final trip to the charity shop, I had my last business meeting. At home, we collapsed, watched Masterchef, drank some wine, had some cauliflower cheese with bacon (scrummy) and were sound asleep by 8pm!

I've been quietly watching from the back row but had to chime in. Best of luck to you on Friday in your big step! I'll be very interested in your first impressions and unexpected discoveries.

I've been quietly watching from the back row but had to chime in. Best of luck to you on Friday in your big step! I'll be very interested in your first impressions and unexpected discoveries.

Thanks for responding. Of course I will. We hope we've covered everything off but we are fully expecting some 'gotchas' !
Lin had been a star whilst I was out.

. . . . . , and that will be the key to your happiness. There is nothing more beautiful than a couple working together with the same goal in mind. I have no doubts that you will be successful in your newly chosen way of life. Godspeed, and fair winds as you venture out.
We'll be looking forward to reading about your adventures on your blog!!
1 day, and counting...

Yesterday was a bit calmer. I had a business lunch whilst Lin finalised the last 'bits' we are taking with us in the cars. Still too much, so this morning we are being 'vicious' with what's left.

I have my last business lunch meeting today before packing the cars, having a meal out with Lin, falling into bed, and waiting for the alarm to wake us to drive to the ferry.

How exciting can life get?

(If anyone's interested, the upgardes we've done on Play d'eau over the last six months are reported in a three page article in the UK mag Motor Boats and Yachting (April issue - out now) on page 76.)
Today's the day!

Yesterday, we packed both cars and took yets another load to the dump.

Neither of us can believe how much 'stuff' we'd accumulated over 42 years of married life and how much was just rubbish.

In a couple of hours we drive to the ferry to cross the English Channel bound for Guernsey. Scheduled departure is 9am, and it's a 12 hour crossing, so we'll arrive at Play d'eau around 10pm.

Life awaits....
No Internet access for the last 48 hours!

Saturday: arrived Play d'eau at 2130, turned on the heating, settled in and fell asleep, exhausted.

Sunday: began sorting, but I had to leave in the afternoon to catch a plane back to the mainland for a week long business trip to the USA, leaving my dear wife to finish 'sorting'. And to cap it all, there's a three day F6 rising F8 gale blowing accross the marina!

Well, this is where I end this post, and sometime soon start the blog on our website. The tech spec on it is out of date and needs updating so that's where I'll be starting.

Thank you all for the help, advice and encouragament. Bon voyage.

Piers and Lin
Well you know how to stress test your new way of life. Hopefully, your lovely bride will still be aboard when you return.

Two weeks after we purchased our new to us boat I took off for two weeks to Japan. A storm set in and the water around the boat froze over. Luckily, nothing bad happened and none of the systems failed while I was gone.
Well you know how to stress test your new way of life. Hopefully, your lovely bride will still be aboard when you return.

Two weeks after we purchased our new to us boat I took off for two weeks to Japan. A storm set in and the water around the boat froze over. Luckily, nothing bad happened and none of the systems failed while I was gone.

Hi PC. I'm in the USA at the moment in WI (freezing cold!). I see you had a storm after you moved aboard - well, after 18 hours as a liveaboard, I had to fly out to the USA. As I left, a NE'ly storm blew up and my wife was contending with a F8 rising F10 and all the rocking and rolling in the marina. Brave lady. In the end, she's booked herself into a local hotel to get some peace and quiet (and Internet access) since she has some work to finish off!

Hopefully she'll be fine about it when I get back at the end of the week.....

By the way, thanks for the comments on our website. As soon as I'm back I'll be updating the site and getting the blog going. All the best.
Hi PC. I'm in the USA at the moment in WI (freezing cold!). I see you had a storm after you moved aboard - well, after 18 hours as a liveaboard, I had to fly out to the USA. As I left, a NE'ly storm blew up and my wife was contending with a F8 rising F10 and all the rocking and rolling in the marina. Brave lady. In the end, she's booked herself into a local hotel to get some peace and quiet (and Internet access) since she has some work to finish off!

Hopefully she'll be fine about it when I get back at the end of the week.....

By the way, thanks for the comments on our website. As soon as I'm back I'll be updating the site and getting the blog going. All the best.

Just how my Admiral handles it, if it gets bad enough. Just chooses a different port in the storm so to speak. I am sure she will do fine. She sounds like a strong women.
I'm still in the USA With Kahlenerg and Carlisle & Finch (two of our suppliers) and I've just spoken with my wife. She tells me, 'The storm has passed. Now, the sun's out, the sea is deep blue and calm, and just as it should be. It's beautiful.' What a great Admiral!
Furniture advice

We are also planning to move aboard a trawler shortly and I am searching online for furniture to make the small space comfortable for daily living. I'm thinking a love seat with two built in "wallaway" recliners will be the best solution for my husband and myself, however, everything "custom" online is very expensive. Anyone know of a ready made brand of furniture that will suit the purpose? Also, any ladies out there that have recommendations for tasteful and comfortable ideas for decorating? This will be my tiny little 38' home so I'm particular and want it to be as nice and comfortable as possible without spending more on the interior than we did on the boat :)

Welcome Deidra, furniture is an under-discussed topic on TF. Here are a couple threads from the archives that may interest you. Ikea is always a great place to look for furniture, the key is to measure your doors and verify that what you purchase will make it inside.

We have several ladies who contribute here, one of them is a moderator. So don't be shy and post any questions you may have. You may consider starting a thread on the subject of furniture on the general forum to get a little more exposure from other contributors.
One big problem is finding off the shelf sofas that will ft through doors, windows, hatches...etc...etc...
We are also planning to move aboard a trawler shortly and I am searching online for furniture to make the small space comfortable for daily living. I'm thinking a love seat with two built in "wallaway" recliners will be the best solution for my husband and myself, however, everything "custom" online is very expensive. Anyone know of a ready made brand of furniture that will suit the purpose? Also, any ladies out there that have recommendations for tasteful and comfortable ideas for decorating? This will be my tiny little 38' home so I'm particular and want it to be as nice and comfortable as possible without spending more on the interior than we did on the boat :)


The Eagle interior as stark shippy and really ugly when we bought her. We have gone through her from bow to stern over the years. RV stores have furniture that will fit though the doors and/or can be disassembled, but as you said expensive, but its going to be your home, so make it comfortable and decorated to your taste.

So where is Seabrook and what is your taste in color/décor as that information would help. Does the boat have a lot of wood and/or what is the color of the ceiling/walls.

At the time my wife was making new curtains for the salon that sort of matcht the bed spread as the original curtains in the picture where to bland/dull. Curtains see to have a warm/corfort feeling, hold the heat and don't make noise. I should take new picture. As you can see we have quite a few pictures, nick nacks and things to make it homey


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Wow, that looks great! Thanks for sharing. In all our "dock walking" and surfing the net, I've seen some fabulous custom yachts and some sturdy but scruffy weekend fishing vessels but I'm looking to make a home that's definitely something in between. So happy and grateful to see/hear anything like minded
We too are getting ready to move aboard and we have an estate sales co coming to sell everything except for some special/hard to replace items and family heirlooms.
We are also planning to move aboard a trawler shortly and I am searching online for furniture to make the small space comfortable for daily living. I'm thinking a love seat with two built in "wallaway" recliners will be the best solution for my husband and myself, however, everything "custom" online is very expensive. Anyone know of a ready made brand of furniture that will suit the purpose? Also, any ladies out there that have recommendations for tasteful and comfortable ideas for decorating? This will be my tiny little 38' home so I'm particular and want it to be as nice and comfortable as possible without spending more on the interior than we did on the boat :)


We,too, have a 38 ft Trawler and after fixing the major "outside" things, I.e. new canvas, refinishing teak and painting non-skid decks, I'm now focusing on the interior. The fixed bench seating on our trawler was removed before we bought it and there was no salon furniture in the salon. We got a Flexsteel (unfortunately not cheap) loveseat with two "incliners". It doesn't take as much room as a recliner. You might check out RV places as I've seen some cheaper since I bought mine.

One thing I struggled with was pictures. I didn't want any pictures with glass so it limited my decorating options. Then I decided to try plexiglass. I bought two pictures recently and replaced the glass with plexiglass that I had cut at the local ACE Hardware. I'm pleased with it and they are much lighter. So now I'm going to add more pictures.

The photo ( if I figure out how to post it ) is our aft cabin. Still a work in progress but with new pictures and new quilt.


The Eagle interior as stark shippy and really ugly when we bought her. We have gone through her from bow to stern over the years. RV stores have furniture that will fit though the doors and/or can be disassembled, but as you said expensive, but its going to be your home, so make it comfortable and decorated to your taste.

So where is Seabrook and what is your taste in color/décor as that information would help. Does the boat have a lot of wood and/or what is the color of the ceiling/walls.

At the time my wife was making new curtains for the salon that sort of matcht the bed spread as the original curtains in the picture where to bland/dull. Curtains see to have a warm/corfort feeling, hold the heat and don't make noise. I should take new picture. As you can see we have quite a few pictures, nick nacks and things to make it homey

Love your boat!. Looks very comfortable and homey.

Ginna, thanks! That's exactly was I was thinking/looking at online. The flexsteel double "incliner" looked like the best bet for me but I wanted to hear from someone with experience. Glad there are some ladies on here!
We,too, have a 38 ft Trawler and after fixing the major "outside" things, I.e. new canvas, refinishing teak and painting non-skid decks, I'm now focusing on the interior. The fixed bench seating on our trawler was removed before we bought it and there was no salon furniture in the salon. We got a Flexsteel (unfortunately not cheap) loveseat with two "incliners". It doesn't take as much room as a recliner. You might check out RV places as I've seen some cheaper since I bought mine.

One thing I struggled with was pictures. I didn't want any pictures with glass so it limited my decorating options. Then I decided to try plexiglass. I bought two pictures recently and replaced the glass with plexiglass that I had cut at the local ACE Hardware. I'm pleased with it and they are much lighter. So now I'm going to add more pictures.

The photo ( if I figure out how to post it ) is our aft cabin. Still a work in progress but with new pictures and new quilt.

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Still learning to navigate this site - hope this is the correct way to "reply". Master looks awesome! The boat we have a contract on is an 88 MT so your pics are doubly helpful. Good tip about the plexiglass. What are you using to hang them?
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