Sperry Topsiders

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May 11, 2014
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Grand Alaskan 53
Our local Costco has them in for $34.99. bought myself two pairs. Might be worth calling over if you are in the market.


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Full sizes only....
Didn't notice since I'm a ten.

Aren't boat shoes more comfy going up a half size anyway! :D
I've notice a recent trend in boating shoes. There are more companies making them and the price has been coming down. Check out Skechers.
Not sure that it will matter to most of you, and perhaps it shouldn't, but costco got those shoes on the black market. Very good chance that they are counterfeit.

I have worked in the outdoor/comfort footwear industry for 30 years, Sperry is one of our competitors. I can guarantee you that Sperry did not set Costco up as dealer, they either got the shoes through some back door dealings with an unscrupulous reseller or they are counterfeits. At that price, the counterfeit option is much, much more likely. My brands have to be constantly vigilant to keep our product out of Costco and Sam's, they try every trick possible to get any of our shoes that they can.

Just be careful. You're likely not getting what you think you are. It's your feet and your integrity. My advice is to spend the extra $50 and get them from a reputable footwear store or outfitter.
Sorry Doug, but I bought a pair of waxed leather, ankle high boots from Costco a few months ago. Very comfy and at $9.95 I didn't give a hoot who made them or where they might have been made. You just don't find a comfy pair of anything for that price, and these seem to be nicely made.
Sorry Doug, but I bought a pair of waxed leather, ankle high boots from Costco a few months ago. Very comfy and at $9.95 I didn't give a hoot who made them or where they might have been made. You just don't find a comfy pair of anything for that price, and these seem to be nicely made.

Yep. When I was in high school I bought a really great car stereo from a guy my friend knew for fifty bucks. It came with no box and all the wires were clipped. There was a little piece of broken glass stuck to it. Worked great the whole time I owned the car, it was an awesome deal.
Sperrys are the slipperiest boat shoe i’ve even put on my feet.
Bought my last pair of Sherry topsides from West Marine a few years ago. Not what the used to be....terrible in fact. Tossed them because they were simply unwearable.

“Everything on you boat is broken. You just don’t know it yet.”
I never cared for Topsiders. I always thought that they don’t grip that well. I have several pairs of “good” deck shoes but I think that my Sketchers work better than all of them. Cheap too.
Is it just my feet? They are very flat and have little support. In addition, the shoe is very low and barely stays on my foot and puts wear on my heel. Soles are good for a year then they are ice skates
I never cared for Topsiders.
I prefer Topsiders because I can slip in & out of them easily & at my age that's a very big deal! :popcorn:
I prefer Topsiders because I can slip in & out of them easily & at my age that's a very big deal! :popcorn:

I love Sperry "Stop Sliders". LOL

Great on wet decks! 13 EEE foot size makes it difficult to locate comfortable shoes of any brand/type.
Not cheap, but comes in half sizes and wide width, try Dunham, now a New Balance brand.
Check their detailed listing, as several of their lines are still US made.
Sperrys are the slipperiest boat shoe i’ve even put on my feet.
I was patiently waiting for someone to say that. Not sure where that sole was originally tested, and maybe water has changed since then, but I find them very slippery when wet. And not in a fun way!

Don't care for them for the reasons noted above plus on the ones I had all the detail bits (e.g. grommets) kept coming off.
I was patiently waiting for someone to say that. Not sure where that sole was originally tested, and maybe water has changed since then, but I find them very slippery when wet. And not in a fun way!



At least the slit design...
Our local Costco has them in for $34.99. bought myself two pairs. Might be worth calling over if you are in the market.

Just in case people who like them would like to buy them, here is the info again.
Is it just my feet? They are very flat and have little support...the shoe is very low and barely stays on my foot

You are not alone. Apparently the Sperry people have no arches and fat heels?

I've tried them a few times as I always wanted to like them, but always the same result as you. Also, if it's cold out the sole is like an ice cube.

They are very popular, so although you are not alone apparently they do work well for many.
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I grew up wearing Topsiders until my feet got too wide. I think they switched to a harder sole because the people complained that they wore out too fast. Unfortunately the harder sole didn’t grip as well.
I like the Top Siders away from water. Not good for boating. Way too slippery. The pair of Skechers that I just got are very grippy. Very interesting sole. Very soft but probably won't last long. I haven't tried them on the boat yet CUZ THE FRIKIN BORDER IS CLOSED! Sorry, that just slipped out.:blush:
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