Splendide Service Seattle Area

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May 23, 2022
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Maritimo 52
Does anybody know of an appliance repair service in the Seattle area that will work on a Splendide washer/dryer combo in place? The distributor could only point me to Camping World, which requires you to bring the unit in for service. It would be a real chore to get it out and I'd like to have someone see if they can get it working where it is before I go to that effort and expense (in which case I would probably just buy a new one).
I’d replace with new and see if the faulty unit is worth repairing. If so, repair and then sell it. We had a Spendide for 13 years which I installed and it was a PIA. If I was going to pull it out for service, wait for parts and then maybe fix it…I’d consider replacing with new.
Perhaps describe what is occurring and maybe someone experienced same and can offer a solution. Whether you pull it out or not, a tech that is willing to come to the boat would have to unless it proves to be a simple problem you have not figured out.
It’s not filling with water. Water feeds are pressurized. Will check the strainers and filters to be sure before calling someone but I don’t think that’s the problem because I don’t hear the “thunk” of the solenoid valves opening like I do on my washer at home. I could probably replace that part myself if that’s the issue, but would prefer to have someone else who is familiar with the machines troubleshoot and fix to be sure. Should be accessible by taking the top off the washer in place.
I used to have one in a boat and an RV. When I had any issues I would call Splendide and they would talk me through troubleshooting it. They were very helpful but that was a while ago.
I called and waited on hold for about 20 minutes before I had to move on. I may try again but I am super busy with work these days and need to just pay people to fix things when I can. Wish I had the time to do everything myself. Some day.
You have to pull the washer out and start work from the back. The top comes off.
I have one about 12 years old. Parts like the motor or circuit boards are expensive.

To fix mine, motor got wet, I bought a used one for parts.

Splendie and all the compact washers that have soap on the left and knobs on the right are made in the same factory. Whirlpool, Kenmore, etc. So many of the parts are the same. But because of different features the circuit boards and wiring harness are different.

First make sure water and water pressure is reaching the washer.

Not filling can be caused by the door not fully closed,
or bad water level control switch will stop filling. Check the switch for function by blowing air into it and check continuity. It"s a common switch and inexpensive. There's gotta be an appliance supply in Seattle. They sometimes have booklets on specific brand repairs.

Also the hose connecting the switch can go bad and leak air pressure.
There are 2 circuit boards. You don't want them to get wet ever. $

Lots of help on the internet. Try Youtube. Ebay will have some of the parts for much less than Splendie.

I am parting out my Splendide 2100 XC NA washer/dryer combo. If this your model, I may have the used parts you need. Drop me a PM.

I can also provide you with the service and repair manual for this model, if you need it. There are fault codes that can be read to isolate problems.

This is what it says about not filling:

1. Check installation. 2. Check inlet valves. 3. Check water connections to the unit. Check for plugged water valve screen. 4. Remove the top and check water connections within the unit.

When I disassembled my washer, I found quite a bit of debris in the water valve screens.
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I got through to Splendide support and they confirmed via the diagnostic error codes that it is either a failed pump or a bad board that thinks it has a bad pump. Either way I will have to remove the unit to fix it, as those parts are not accessible from the top. Since I’m going to have to go to the trouble to get it out, I’m going to replace it with a new unit as it is around fifteen years old and who knows what might break next.

As an aside, this is one of a number of things that my surveyor missed that I would have demanded a credit for had I known.
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