The original mast-mounted spot with remote control was useless in any sort of sea, so I added a couple of small forward facing floods that are high enough to not interfere with the navigation light presentation.
Lower barn doors keep spill off the foredeck.
They're good amongst cray pots and helpful spotting wave patterns a couple of hundred feet out. In harbour, approaching moorings etc we use a good cri torch.
BTW, With our helm in the saloon and plenty of glass reflecting plenty of UFOs, good night vision is hard to maintain at the best of times.
Lower barn doors keep spill off the foredeck.
They're good amongst cray pots and helpful spotting wave patterns a couple of hundred feet out. In harbour, approaching moorings etc we use a good cri torch.
BTW, With our helm in the saloon and plenty of glass reflecting plenty of UFOs, good night vision is hard to maintain at the best of times.