Spring is here?

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Splashed Sand Castle. Cleaned her up this weekend in upper 50s weather...


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In the first image, it looks a tad shallow...

Narrow, it is. About 5-6 deep. Google Wayfarers Cove, near Minnesott Beach, NC, then zoom in with Google Maps. Excellent hurricane hole, nervous entrance. Still, they manage to get 50-footers to haul out in there.
Narrow, it is. About 5-6 deep. Google Wayfarers Cove, near Minnesott Beach, NC, then zoom in with Google Maps. Excellent hurricane hole, nervous entrance. Still, they manage to get 50-footers to haul out in there.

I'd be nervous. Kinda reminds me of Worton Creek on the eastern shore of Maryland
I play devil's advocate good place for a single prop boat. Way more forgiving when going through a narrow channel.
Can't argue with that.(maybe)
Mine's a single screw with a skeg protecting prop and rudder, the channel surface is sand, the wind and current calm in the channel. The captain however, was a nervous wreck because I had not piloted the boat for 5 months and the yard was in a hurry to splash me because their busy season is here and I wanted a couple more weeks to do self-work. Quite obviously, their profit margin is larger with their work, than when i do self-work. (this is the same place where the local diesel mechanic estimated 30-40 hours to do a hose change). So I reluctantly agreed to splash (understand, I MISS the boat in water, but needs and wants are not the same thing.)

So this weekend, on my marina work raft, I scraped old paint tape (crappy tape, sticky) off the boat hull taking 5 times as much time because I did it from the water and not from scaffold. This took the place of my changing oil and filter and changing fuel filters. However I did get a great lesson in procedure from my good buddy TomB on here in fuel filter change process, and my wife has the boat almost the way she wants it, and that's the most important part.
Not quite spring, got 2 feet of snow today!!


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Ice Fishing is just about over for the year... lol


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