I've seen that mentality in my profession, law enforcement, too. You take a stupid risk, and get away with it. Then, instead of realizing what you did, you decide that the risk was less than you thought, and you do it more times until it bites you.
We see that all the time in recreational boating, especially sailing. I see people encouraged to "just go do it" who have no experience, no knowledge, just bought a small sailboat and it's in awful condition. The justification given is that so and so did it and was fine. They point to the person with no experience and the 20' sailboat and sailed around the world, then wrote about it. Well, those who don't make it, who die at sea, don't write books afterward.
Experiences of others or yourself need to be looked at carefully. Just because you survived doesn't mean it was wise. Likewise, if you were unsuccessful that could be an anomaly as well and isn't evidence that doing the same thing would always fail.