Stacked Xantrex Inverters Throwing Fault / Warning Codes

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Senior Member
Mar 25, 2021
Vessel Name
Black Horse
Vessel Make
Med Yachts 62
Very few search results for this and the owners manual is not much better...

I have two Xantrex SW-3012 model 815 inverters in a stacked configuration. Both are connected to a Xanbus System Control Panel (SCP). Both connect to one large house battery bank.
After some recent storms, I got to the boat today and found one of the units throwing a warning message "W72 AC OUT ASSOC MISMATCHED." Of course that warning is not listed anywhere in the manuals I have aboard.

Further investigation shows that my #1 unit seems to have completely wiped its configuration and lost its brains. I can see the Device Info fields all blank and/or showing "[]" on the SCP. The #2 unit has all the correct parameters in the Device Info fields.

I tried to re-program unit #1 but it will not take any inputs. I also rebooted / reset both units, checked my shore power connection (everything works on the boat including all my AC units), and have cycled both units ON/OFF using the SCP.

Unit #2 seems just fine. It is charging the way it should. I have not tried to run AC loads off of the inverter however since I don't want to make the issue worse.

For some strange reason Xantrex tech support is not working this Labor Day weekend.. Wondering if anyone here has dealt with this problem before?
I'm no expert, but I'm guessing unit #1 flaked out, and unit #2 won't be happy that its peer is out to lunch. You may want or need to reprogram unit #2 to tell it that it's NOT in a pair for it to work properly (and likely take unit 1 offline completely) until you can get further guidance.
Thanks for this - I had no luck finding it online.
Unfortunately, I cannot get Unit #1 to accept any programming at all.

You may have to do a hard reset to the unit then redo programming.
I would try a hard reset, assuming there is a way to do that.

It's a somewhat different product family and has been part of Schneider for years, but I have an SW6548 at home, also using a Xanbus, SCP and some other stuff. I had lightening come in over a DSL line that shared a conduit with the xanbus and it took out everything on the xanbus except the two MPPT chargers. Hopefully yours will be easier to fix.
Thanks for all the replies. I plan to wait until tech support is open, then try a hard reset & reconfiguration to see if I can get this resolved.

They must have updated the online Owners Guide as it has much more detail than my hard copy (now 101 pages vs 86).
I sure hope you received the help you needed before now, but for other Xantrex owners, I submit my humble suggestions: Hard reset is pretty simple, you just have to remove all voltage to both Inverters for 1 min (both AC in, and DC (batteries). It may also help to unplug your SCP from the Xanbus network. If that is not successful, I would reconfigure your twin 3012's so that #2 is now the MASTER and #1 is the "Slave" (you did not mention if you stacked them series or parallel, so the term for the subordinate 3012 may be different for your configuration).

As already suggested by another helpful member,, go through all SCP settings for both 3012's, as a "glitch" can change a setting deep in the menu matrix that screws everything up. As a "Hail Mary" play, you can also disconnect cross-over Cat5 marrying both units, and do another hard reboot. Also connect known good straight-through cables between the 3012's and the SCP (not fished, just strung for troubleshooting). I have had a sketchy Xanbus network cable cause havoc.

I have been running stacked 3012's for 12 years on a VERY busy charter boat, and have found the above fixed 98% of my problems, and nothing short of replacing the offending unit fixed the other 2%. Good luck.
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