Storing Kayak aboard, any idea?

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Jan 20, 2016
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Hi TFers!
My beloved wife want us to get two kayak aboard to be able to anchor and roam around. Now I am scratching my head about how I will store these two toys aboard.
Putting them on the side near the bow rail will be a headache as they will get in our way when anchoring. I could tie them on the rail but external to the boat (not sure I am clear) but this will get in the way when we will go through locks.
The only way I see to store them would be vertically on the swim platform, and attached to the aft rail.

Any idea, advice?

Thank you!

You have ruled out two of the most common storage ideas I' ve seen.

I f you had a hardtop over the aft cabin I've seen them up there. Maybe a SS tubing rack where they could be mounted over the aft cabin roof.

A friend had a pair , the 9' models, stored on a two up rack which itself was secured to the roof of the aft cabin on his 40' boat. They slightly overhung the walkway at the back but we could still get around. No photos as he sold the boat last summer.

The vertical mount on the swimgrid tied or otherwise secured to the aft rail might be suitable but the tip on the grid would also need to be secured. That might give you the time to use them, consider whether they will stay long term, and consider a better storage plan if it doesn't work out.
Hi TFers!
My beloved wife want us to get two kayak aboard to be able to anchor and roam around. Now I am scratching my head about how I will store these two toys aboard.
Putting them on the side near the bow rail will be a headache as they will get in our way when anchoring. I could tie them on the rail but external to the boat (not sure I am clear) but this will get in the way when we will go through locks.
The only way I see to store them would be vertically on the swim platform, and attached to the aft rail.

Any idea, advice?

Thank you!


Probably what I would do too.
Maybe a couple of "J" shaped racks on your bridge base and Arch. I've got the same issue but working with a smaller boat...Stuffing 10 lbs of stuff into a 5 lb sack is not easy..
Looking for ideas too!
The thing that make things a bit more difficult about storing them vertically on the swim step is that we have a step going all around the boat so from swim platform to the rail around the aft cabin it is not straight vertical, there is a gap of something like 1 foot. If I want to store them vertically I will need to mount kindof two arms on the rail that will be 1 foot plus the size of the kayak at that height so maybe 2 feet in total. Well thinking about it maybe it will fit.
Quickly draw (please do not mind my great artist talent for drawing, I did this in 5 minutes :) ) this is the idea I have to store them:


I could use this type of thing to connect the support tubing to the exiting rail:


if the only downside to the bow storage is when you anchor....and you'll only be using them when you them on the bow, and launch them prior to anchoring. Put one on each side at the mid ship cleat on a short painter until so they are out of the way for anchor setting.
if the only downside to the bow storage is when you anchor....and you'll only be using them when you them on the bow, and launch them prior to anchoring. Put one on each side at the mid ship cleat on a short painter until so they are out of the way for anchor setting.

Could be a way but it is not only when we are anchoring but also when we are going through locks that they would be on our way. While going through lock my wife has to get in front in order to adjust a fender and the kayak would be right where the fender goes. And if I store them out from the boat the kayak will act as the fender :)
Ever consider inflatable kayaks.

Indeed could be a solution, however not sure my wife would be very comfortable in an inflatable one, and I need to make the wife happy to be an happy captain :D
Mr. L_t. Have some long (about 2/3+ the length of the kayak) canvas tote bags made with handles on top. Put the kayaks into the bags, rest one end on the swim platform and hook the handles onto the existing rail. Might be a bit of a task to bag and unbag but if hooked securely on the rail, they shouldn't move much. You will probably need large drain holes in the bottom.

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Mr. L_t. Have some long canvas tote bags made with handles on top. Put the kayaks into the bags, rest one end on the swim platform and hook the handles onto the existing rail. Might be a bit of a task to bag and unbag but if hooked securely on the rain, they shouldn't move much. You will probably need large drain holes in the bottom.


Nice idea! And when needed I could use the bag myself to hide and have a little nap! :D
This last summer we sold our plastic kayaks and bought inflatables. Dont knock it till youve tried it. We love 'em. Easy to inflate/deflate and are very stable. Make the purchase at a place like West Marine where you can return them if your expectations are not met, should you decide to give 'em a try. Happy paddling.
Indeed could be a solution, however not sure my wife would be very comfortable in an inflatable one, and I need to make the wife happy to be an happy captain :D

In looking at your boat, the J hook solution mentioned above, mounted on the sides of your flybridge has possibilities. Another variable to consider with hard kayaks is their length. Shorter ones are available which may not be as efficient through the water but may carry better on your particular boat. I keep mine on the foredeck since there's lots of room and my forward sight lines aren't affected much at the lower helm.
High on the port side would get my vote.
Sounds like you need a pair of Folboats.
A J hook at the top of the aft cabin roof rail could be a good solution too. I will need to check that the kayak are not prominent enough to touch on a lock wall when going in an empty lock but it may work.
We lash one to the aft side FB rails, and the second to the first. Not sure from your avatar pic if you could do that.
We lash one to the aft side FB rails, and the second to the first. Not sure from your avatar pic if you could do that.

This is what I meant with the J on the aft rail. I will need to measure the length of the rail and how much of the kayak will be out of the boat just to ensure I will not scratch it on the locks wall but it may be an option. I just want to still be able to walk all around the boat on the side step.
You could also attach to "The Cloud". Might corrupt some stored data, but the kayaks would be safe.:)

LOL Yes and I am pretty sure that by using these hook I will reduce my fuel burn rate as I will benefit from cloud traction
Do not waste your dollars, energy or space on a hard kayak. Go for inflatable and never look back. Storable in the bidge or in its bag on the deck, out of the way. They are not designed for off shore long hard trips, but most suitable for in shore work. Like sitting in a water bed. Warm, no cold water bum, just pure fun.
Did'nt know you did locks.

Scratch my post #17.
Are you towing a dinghy? Put the kayaks on it.

Give the inflatables a try and a re-think; there are some pretty good ones out there (and some real cheapies!).

The Folboat is an old solution and a good one. I think they'd be a pain to set up every time your spouse wants a ride. Folboat is confident about how tough their skins are, but I'd want to store 'em out of the sun.

The roof rack over the back deck seems pretty reasonable save for the extra air draft and the getting them up there. A free sunshade...

Happily, we have an Europa-styled boat and the flybridge sidedecks are ample for Sue's kayak. With my davit, she can launch and retrieve it herself. See pic., below.


  • 2106-08-18 KayakDavit Installed 001.jpg
    2106-08-18 KayakDavit Installed 001.jpg
    105.5 KB · Views: 106

I use these carriers. When I have to go through the locks, I put the kayaks on the flybridge deck and fold in the carriers. They are very secure.
Are you towing a dinghy? Put the kayaks on it.

Give the inflatables a try and a re-think; there are some pretty good ones out there (and some real cheapies!).

The Folboat is an old solution and a good one. I think they'd be a pain to set up every time your spouse wants a ride. Folboat is confident about how tough their skins are, but I'd want to store 'em out of the sun.

The roof rack over the back deck seems pretty reasonable save for the extra air draft and the getting them up there. A free sunshade...

Happily, we have an Europa-styled boat and the flybridge sidedecks are ample for Sue's kayak. With my davit, she can launch and retrieve it herself. See pic., below.

No dinghy, I am a cheap mariner :D
On my aft cabin boat the back deck has no roof (not yet in fact) but looking at the J hook I am thinking maybe at using U hooks over the railing, this may fit.
I will take some measure when I will be back to the boat, hopefully in 2 weeks if weather permit.

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