Once a year, I soak any Sunbrella that needs it in a plastic washtub almost full of water (Say 3-4 gallons) with a cup of bleach and a dash of ordinary laundry detergent. (This is per Sunbrella's suggestion) Leave the Sunbrella in this solution for at least an hour - check if its clean and if not, swish it around and leave it longer. This *completely* cleans the Sunbrella (including tough bird stains). After this soak, rinse in clear water, then saturate in a mixture of (Scale up as required) 1 quart hot water, 1 tablespoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), 2 tablespoons Washing Soda (sodium carbonate), 2 tablespoons trisodium phosphate (TSP). Allow to dry but do not rinse this mixture off. This mixture comes from a test done by Practical Sailor and works very well to keep the mildew at bay. After thoroughly dry, liberally coat with 303 protectant. Of course this requires that the Sunbrella be taken down.