Tallboy Bomb Explodes In Ship Canal

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Mr. m. I'd recently read about the discovery of that bomb and when I read your title " Tallboy Bomb Explodes In Ship Canal" my immediate, first thought was how many lives were lost. It is REALLY good news no-one was hurt. Thanks.
The Germans really (re)named that Polish city "Pig's Mouth"??
Yep. Ironically one of my grandfathers was from Hellenthal, Germany, one of the most intense and earliest towns for violence against Jews. My other grandfather was from a village in Poland near the Szebnie labor camp where somewhere around 10,000 prisoners were killed. No wonder my parents' marriage was doomed from the start.
Not the worst thing they did. By a long shot.
The raid was on April 16 1945 against the "Pocket Battle Ship" Lutzow by the specialty Squadron 617. One Lancaster was lost on the operation and flak was very heavy. The Lutzow was "holed" by a near miss. 617 was known for their precision work with specialty bombs, including, the bomb that destroyed the Mohne Damn on May 23, 1943. Tallboy bombs were used on U-Boat Pens, and other reinforce concrete structures. It was the Tallboy that sank the Tirpitz. The Bielefied Viaduct was destroyed by the 22,000 lb Grandslam dropped by 617 Squadron on March 14, 1945, a larger version of the same design. The Grandslam remains the largest conventional bomb ever used. These weapons were dropped from 18-20,000' and they took advantage of the camouflet effect developed from an explosion deep in the ground. They basically shook land structures apart. They were very expensive bombs to make. The Wikipedia article is a reasonable source of information.


The MOAB bomb is very slightly smaller but carries more explosive material:

"During World War II, Royal Air Force Bomber Command used the Grand Slam, officially known as the "Bomb, Medium Capacity, 22,000 lb" 42 times. At 22,000 lb (10,000 kg) total weight, these earthquake bombs were technically larger than the MOAB. However, half their weight was due to the cast high tensile steel casing necessary for penetrating the ground - up to 40 m (130 ft) - before exploding. The MOAB, in contrast, has a light 2,900 lb (1,300 kg) aluminum casing surrounding 18,700 lb (8,500 kg) of explosive Composition H-6 material.[22]"


This is some good video of the event:


Note that the bomb was not to be detonated. Apparently they were going to "burn" out the explosive somehow. I guess that didn't work very well.

My father flew Lancasters during the war however he never carried this ordinance and the maximum bomb load he carried was only 13,000 Lbs. A note of interest. Dad bombed the U-Boat Pens in Bergen Norway on October 4, 1944. His 1,000 lb Armour piercing bombs bounced off the3.5 metre roof. On January 12, 1945 Bomber Command returned with 617 and 9 Squadrons carrying tallboys. Three of these bombs pierced the roof and put the pens out of commission. The Pens survive to this day and are used by the Norwegian Navy as shelters.


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Thanks JD,
I was wondering what sort of "remote" strategy the bomb squad was pursuing to neutralize this bomb. Sounds like something that got clamped on the casing to drill a hole and set the energetic inside alight. Just didn't work as planned this time, but nobody got hurt.

If it was loaded with TNT then I would suspect some of the glycerin component came out of solution over time, that stuff is touchy. Interesting to me 'cause I was a civvie on-base who helped automate implosive destruction of WMD rounds.
They would have used an energetic tool which uses a shape charge to cut through the outer skin. Then as the charge penetrates the idea is that it will start the high explosive inside to burn. Sometimes and likely in this case the energetic charge can have a magnesium disc to aid in starting the burn. The issue is this is not an exact science. The best case is that it slowly burns and little to no explosive is left, second best is you get a burn which can lead to a partial or low detonation, lastly you could have a high order detonation (which happened here). The EOD teams will always prepare for the worst case and hope for the best. This being and underwater situation only compounds the issues with this type process. Still this would be considered a success as no one was hurt and infrastructure was undamaged.

Always interesting to get peeks into the backgrounds of the folks that hang out here. My experience with shape charges was we had higher order events. The cutting jet would cut and keep going out the other side, detonating the bursters along the way. "Cooking" with energetics.
When I was a young lad and bored with submarines, I physically trained for, applied for, and was accepted into the EOD program. The navy would only release submariners to SEALs and EODs then. Back when Exocets and Silkworms were in the news on a regular basis.

Just couldn't bring myself to sign the papers and commit.

I always wondered what path it would have taken me...
I started out in the Navy as a marine engineer mechanic and after four years switched trades to Clearance Diver and never looked back, 32 years and counting ?

Always interesting to get peeks into the backgrounds of the folks that hang out here. My experience with shape charges was we had higher order events. The cutting jet would cut and keep going out the other side, detonating the bursters along the way. "Cooking" with energetics.
It doesn't come up that often but have made and used shaped charges to safely
blow out vehicle tires to simulate a gunshot effect for movies and TV shows.
Also familiar with burning to dispose of primacord and other such materials.
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