Tariff affect on PNW boat building.

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Maybe I misunderstood the meaning of FREE trade. Thought it meant NO tariffed goods. Nobody is supposed to be able to pick and choose what tariffs remain....Ted
The one thing a Free Trade Agreement is not, is a free trade agreement. If it was, there would no need for months or years of negotiations leading to signing a trade treaty. One country could just ask the other "How about a free trade agreement, y`know, no tariffs, no limits, nothing?". The other could respond "Sounds good, let`s do it". Job done!

But they don`t,there are lengthy negotiations, exclusions, tariffs, etc etc. The "Free Trade Agreement" is a misnomer.
Here, as "negotiations" (oral/written public intimidations) proceed between USA and China,our economists are concerned about the effect on world trade. When elephants fight,smaller animals get trampled. We are essentially spectators to this, but it`s no spectator sport.
Here, as "negotiations" (oral/written public intimidations) proceed between USA and China,our economists are concerned about the effect on world trade. When elephants fight,smaller animals get trampled. We are essentially spectators to this, but it`s no spectator sport.
Sorry if you feel you're getting trampled. I feel my country is being screwed by China. I want the trade imbalance reduced with China. I want the Chinese market opened to American products to the same extent that the USA market is open to Chinese products. This should have been done a long time ago. While I don't want to see anyone trampled, it needs to go forward regardless.

Sorry if you feel you're getting trampled. I feel my country is being screwed by China. I want the trade imbalance reduced with China. I want the Chinese market opened to American products to the same extent that the USA market is open to Chinese products. This should have been done a long time ago. While I don't want to see anyone trampled, it needs to go forward regardless.

That`s to be expected. USA Wall St greed near ruined the entire world economy in 2008. Fortunately this doesn`t look as threatening.
The natural order in a modern trading world is lower cost manufacturers sell more than higher cost manufacturers, including around the world. USA wants to interfere with that natural process. Doubtless it can. At what and whose cost is the interesting question. Beware of chickens coming home to roost. China`s power is in the ascendancy.
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