Tell us something about you that sounds FAKE

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At a local golf course I was paired up with Will Miller. I don't know who he is or what he does so I asked what he's been doing. He tells me he's been on a tour, Australia and New Zealand and area. I figured I hadn't been straightforward enough and figured he'd been on vacation. So I asked him a bit more straight out, what he did for a living. "Music." he says, "Celtic stuff." Oh! Says I. "Can you make a living at that?" He told me he could.
A while later at the clubhouse someone enlightened me about green alligators and Irish singers and such.

My son was with me. He assures me that the question about whether Will could make a living with Celtic music actually came out of my mouth in my out-in-public voice.

A friend of mine in law school went home one weekend to visit her parents. Her father had had a brain tumor removed, and although he recovered, his fine motor control was such that he had lost his pilot's certification, and had placed his really nice twin engine turbo-prop for sale. She was reading the newspaper the next morning, and he asked her if she wanted to ride with him to the airport, so he could sign over the plane to the new owner, and she was like, not really, sounds kind of boring.

He came back a couple of hours later, and said, you should have gone, I think you would have liked meeting the guy who bought my plane. He's some kind of singer and he was really interesting. She asked, what was his name, and he said, "Kenny something, I don't remember." She picked up the sale papers.

The buyer, was Kenny Loggins. :D
Parks, you've jarred my memory. I raced C-Stock Hydro in the early 90's for a brief stint. It was a kick in the pants but after running against "real" drivers like J Michael Kelly I came to the realization that I was cut primarily from crew chief cloth.
Good One !!
I open a business at age 10, I delivered cow pies door to door. I had the market cornered till the sweet corn came in then I switched product lines.
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Here's a good one I forgot about. I once had 300 kilos of cocaine delivered to me in Grand Cayman from Pablo Escobar. :D

[/url]image by Group Nine, on Flickr[/IMG]
Here's a good one I forgot about. I once had 300 kilos of cocaine delivered to me in Grand Cayman from Pablo Escobar. :D

[/url]image by Group Nine, on Flickr[/IMG]

Did you run away or call the cops and then find a new country to live in?
Right leg shows you peed your pants - Was Pablo taking the picture? :eek:
I sold it all, created a fake identity, and retired!

Naw, I was working UC. :D

I robbed a number of banks, invested the money, naturally got caught, went to prison, worked a deal for early release after 10 years if I promised to return what I stole. Returned the money, left the interest earned and my equity funds intact and now I live comfortably on the profits.:D

Then there was the gun running and people smuggling but, that's a story for another time.
Right leg shows you peed your pants - Was Pablo taking the picture? :eek:

The bales were still wet from when I had fished them out of the ocean in a Zodiac and I had just changed into my last dry clothes, (my sweat pants) and then I got wet again moving them to another location.

The scary part was when they were dropping them out of the plane. The bales were going just a little slower than the airplane by the time they hit the water and they skip like stones. Pretty scary when a 40 kilo bale is skipping across the water toward you at 100 miles an hour! :D

My partner and I were undercover as smugglers on that one. That was just two years before Pablo got whacked.
The bales were still wet from when I had fished them out of the ocean in a Zodiac and I had just changed into my last dry clothes, (my sweat pants) and then I got wet again moving them to another location.

The scary part was when they were dropping them out of the plane. The bales were going just a little slower than the airplane by the time they hit the water and they skip like stones. Pretty scary when a 40 kilo bale is skipping across the water toward you at 100 miles an hour! :D

My partner and I were undercover as smugglers on that one. That was just two years before Pablo got whacked.

When I was growing up I thought all the other white people lived on television.
I was fishing the land cut south of Corpus Christi wade fishing and having tremendous success. It was just one of those days. The heat, humidity, and sun were just about unbearable in August. The land cut was formed when the inter coastal waterway was completed and people built houses on stilts as fish cabins. I looked over and saw a cabin with a 55 gallon drum hooked up to a shower adjacent to the house fed by rainwater. I decided to help myself to the shampoo, soap, and water so I stripped down and proceeded to have a very nice clean cool down. My clothes were placed on a nail in the corner of the shower. Halfway through the shower I looked down because I felt something moving on my feet. Much to my surprise were 5 excited rattlesnakes moving around. I took off running butt naked as boats were going up and down the ICW. I'm sure people were wondering what the heck this guy was doing. I managed to take my fishing rod and fling the snakes in the ocean anticipating they would not be able to swim. Wrong, they managed to come right back to the spot in which they came. I had been standing on a palate while showering and I imagine the rattlesnakes had a good healthy does of shampoo and soap in their eyes as did I. My eyes were burning and I could barely keep them open when I finally was able to remove the snakes long enough to rinse off, get my clothes, and get the heck out of there. As I was leaving I saw a much larger rattlesnake underneath the house on stilts and decided fishing on shore was probably a bad idea. Have not been back since.
Rattlers under plywood I lifted. :dance:


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