TF Gathering in SE Florida 2019

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Look forward to meeting everyone. Booked my flights and will be driving up Saturday morning from North Palm. Room booking up next. Will bring some dark chocolate treats! Just the one of me!
Milton we all look forward to meeting you and hope we don’t embarrass you. We will try to get the women to keep their clothes on.
Where's the fun in that? No hotels in crawling distance though so must behave myself... somewhat.
Some have been known to pass out, er go to sleep on the dock.
I talked to Ann at the FP marina and they are full. Everyone who has reservations is good but we maybe be spread out. Hobo’s on L dock in the north marina behind Ernie on “Leave um Nothing”. Those who are driving and parking for Thursday night on Hobo need to park behind or across from the Manatee Center. The small lot by the marina gate is now permit parking only.

Hobo’s doors will open at 5 pm on Thursday so don’t be late. We’ll have appetizers, some mixers, wine and beer. Just bring yourselves. :)

I’m going to suggest Tillman’s Barbecue for dinner; it’s an easy 7 minute walk and has outdoor seating suitable for groups. I’ve already given them a heads up that there might be a group coming so they don’t run out. They stop taking dinner orders at 8 but they don’t close till we leave ;). For those who aren’t into barbecue, there’s a new Mexican restaurant downtown that we enjoyed last week (Casa Azteca) plus lots of other choices.

The weather forecast is looking good with daytime temps in the 80s and, given the cast of characters coming, it should be a great weekend.

See everyone soon.
Larry I hope we are close because Watfa would like to borrow Lena’s oven again this year. She is planning of cooking for 30 and complains our oven is too small (next year she have the lower helm removed and a commercial oven installed). Looking forward to the gathering, sorry that all our planning to be on the same dock is for naught but at least I’ll be able to sleep at night without having all the light shine in from Very Slow Hand.
I have a large toaster oven I can bring over.
That’s great Scott, it should save about 7 seconds. LOL

Sorry you didn’t get Lena’s pm, she’s ready and plus knows the galley (and the cook).

The shine? When I said we were spread out, I didn’t mean everyone, Ann said something about Slow Hand and Gotcha far out on A dock together so the condo owners wouldn’t complain. lol
Great our gals get along great, better after a few glasses of wine.

So Ted will be close? I’ll need my super dark welders helmet.
Larry I hope we are close because Watfa would like to borrow Lena’s oven again this year. She is planning of cooking for 30 and complains our oven is too small (next year she have the lower helm removed and a commercial oven installed). Looking forward to the gathering, sorry that all our planning to be on the same dock is for naught but at least I’ll be able to sleep at night without having all the light shine in from Very Slow Hand.

Sorry I didn't respond sooner, been down washing and polishing the boat.

If you need another oven, mine is smaller but available, probably within crawling distance.

Thanks Ted but if you haven’t left yet are you sure you can make?

Looking forward to it.
We are leaving Monday too. Will have the sea anchor out and operating on one engine slipping it in and out of gear to slow down enough, plus long lunches. Will be anchored Tuesday night same place as last year.
Hobo’s doors will open at 5 pm on Thursday so don’t be late. We’ll have appetizers, some mixers, wine and beer. Just bring yourselves. :)

I’m going to suggest Tillman’s Barbecue for dinner; it’s an easy 7 minute walk and has outdoor seating suitable for groups. I’ve already given them a heads up that there might be a group coming so they don’t run out. They stop taking dinner orders at 8 but they don’t close till we leave ;). ...

The weather forecast is looking good with daytime temps in the 80s and, given the cast of characters coming, it should be a great weekend.

See everyone soon.

Why are you starting so late, Larry? I thought naptime was over at 3PM? Planning a long dog walk?

Sure wish I was gonna be there...

That’s great Scott, it should save about 7 seconds. LOL


Leaving Monday; will arrive Wednesday afternoon. I found a shortcut. ;)



You guys are killing me here.
Al. You need to be there. Don promised you won’t win his shirt and I have two bottles of Flor de Cana plus assorted other bottles.
We are leaving Monday too. Will have the sea anchor out and operating on one engine slipping it in and out of gear to slow down enough, plus long lunches. Will be anchored Tuesday night same place as last year.
Great! I'll come by and wake you in the morning.


I made a funny! A massive wake from a 7 knot boat. :facepalm:

Ted. Your expecting a big wind at your stern and a lot of current pushing you to make 7 knots. :D
Since grabbing parking is an issue I think I will visit Harbortown Marina Tuesday afternoon after Titusville. Any of you folks do extended stays at either of those marinas? Trying to identify central coast marinas that would be nice to stay at for a month or longer if I 'escape' the Chesapeake next winter. Lots of amusement to be had in places like Annapolis and Norfolk to help offset the chill. Harbortown looks nice online but maybe not as entertaining as the city marina and the farmers market should offset the grocery being further away....
Check out Sunset Bay in Stuart, I’ve always enjoyed my stays there.
Thanks, I forgot I wanted to make a stop there. Stuart is a bit further south but felt like it had more of a cruising community than the other east coast locations I have visited north of the keys. Having the canal intersect there helps its cause a bit.
I just went by Telemar Marina near Melbourne yesterday to check on long term availability. Fairly inexpensive but the price jumps up quite a bit for liveaboards. A really good hurricane hole near Patrick AFB that seems to have some space for a few boats. Mixed reviews on AC.
Might be a good idea to provide a map of the various attendees in the marina. My wandering around has been limited since I am berthed on the open road area with no gate, I haven’t been provided with a gate code to walk the docks.
I’m not there yet so I have no code. However I think Don and Larry could be there. No problem in finding Gotcha it is supposed to be birthed near Slow Hand so just follow the glowing boat.
Scott should be there too.
Enjoy folks. Wish we could make it this year. Maybe next God willing.

We are off to the Miami show tomorrow and a central America/Panama Canal cruise afterwards on Monday.

It sucks but someone has to do it!

We will then be running down to Lake Worth Inlet for a crossing around the 15/16th March if anyone is around. Will stage at Sailfish.
B, double E, double R, U N, beer run
B, double E, double R, U N, beer run
All we need is a ten and fiver
A car and key and a sober driver
B, double E, double R, U N beer run

Ok, I'm ready for Fort long as Scott doesn't board me before I get there.

Great song. THAT made me laugh out loud!

Now I'll have that thing bouncing around my head for the next few hours, days or weeks!

Thanks a lot, Ted!! I'm stealing this for my FB page.
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Great song. THAT made me laugh out loud!

Now I'll have that thing bouncing around my head for the next few hours, days or weeks!

Thanks a lot, Ted!!

Going to miss you Al, hope Scott and Larry are prepared to pick up the slack.

Wow, someone has started early. ��

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