TF Southeast Florida Gathering?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Sorry to miss this this year. Or maybe not.

Thought of sending a a couple of bottles of JD over but realized they'd just be wasted on you beer guzzling Heathens. (PBR? Really people).
Sorry to miss this this year. Or maybe not.

Thought of sending a a couple of bottles of JD over but realized they'd just be wasted on you beer guzzling Heathens. (PBR? Really people).
I almost cringed when I posted that, but I really do like PBR, Dave! LOL. Sorry your not going to be there.
We are on Hobo tonight and Gofcha tomorrow night.
Hi folks, We will be driving down from Sebring tomorrow and expect to arrive early afternoon. Is there any meeting place or events going on tomorrow? How do we find all of you? We likely need a gate code, if so could someone please PM me. Thanks and looking forward to a visit.:)
Tomorrow is the farmers market and some of us will be eating breakfast there. Cocktails are on Gotcha L dock (most northern dock) at 1600 hrs.
We had a blast. I think I drank a lil bit and Wendy drank more...but so much fun and great to meet everyone. It is so nice to meet like minded people knowing(hoping) one day when you meet again, the time and distance didn't matter and the friendship will continue. Thanks to the "hometown" crew for hosting!!! It was great to meet y'all and hopefully we will see you before next year...if not, we will see you then. Look me up if you're ever in the Houston area!!!

Trawler on,
Bigfish Irv, I was just arising this morning when I realized this was y'all going by our hotel. I could not get to my phone in time and the sun was washing out the picture, but I tried! Safe travels wherever y'all are going and thanks for hosting last night. Your boat is beyond beautiful and your crew makes her even better!!!

Fair winds and until we meet again,
John and Wendy


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Hi John

Thanks for the photo, I'm surprised you were up so early I know you liked Carmalitas after making love to it all evening, this morning she was a dead solider. I'm glad you enjoyed her now I've got a story. LOL

It was a great gathering and my sincere thanks to Don and his assistant Larry. You all made us feel like long time friends. Everyone was great and it was a pleasure putting faces to names. The biggest shocker was finding out Scott is not an old fart like me. LOL

Please excuse any typos as we are running down the outside at 18 knots with this ffin autopilot.

Watfa is still sleeping but I'll bounce her ass out bed if I see the proper wave. LOL

Thanks again to all who were there.
I'm heading South again in a fog. A great closing party on Bigsfish's boat last night. I'm sure the fog in my brain will clear after another coffee. Well it's been an another wonderful 3 day get together with old and new friends. Over the 3 days there were probably 30 members and spouses who attended. This year's closing theme was a dock crawl. It's sort of like a bar crawl where you walk up a street and stop in each bar along the way for a drink. We started on A dock with Hobo and ended on L dock at Gotcha, visiting all the TF members boats.... and maybe having a drink.:rolleyes: Needless to say, [STRIKE]good spirits were in everyone[/STRIKE] everyone was in good spirits when we arrived at Gotcha. It's at this point that my memory gets a little fuzzy. I vaguely remember the stability tests that were being performed on the flybridge, the wild women doing shooters in the saloon, and then there was the lovely Miss Wendy ........CENSORED..... At some point after the pizza party and skinny dipping those few that could still stand went to watch the trawler races. While David Rive (part of the Canadian contingent) made a valiant effort in his American Tug, he was no match for "The Don" on Moonstruck. The rest is sort of a blur. I sure there will be pics after some serious photo shopping (no way the saloon pics from last night will make it past the censors though :rofl::rofl::rofl:). BTW, Howard is missing his shoes, again. Did anyone see Oliver there?

Ted. You couldn't have been too bad as you were off before me and I left at 0745.
It was a fun night but don't for get the two ladies who Gotcha'sfly bridge needed a little cleaning with two glasses of wine. I never realized the ladies could be the life of the party whether they had their clothes on or not!

One of the highlites was getting the scoop on all those who weren't there, certainly an incentive to not miss next time.
We are making decent time, off Pslm Beach and it a beautiful day 3-4 ft swells just enough to mess with the auto pilot!
Hi Folks. We are northbound for Cocoa. Thanks to all for such a great time. As suggested by somebody (Ted or Larry I think) I have posted a nice picture of the ladies in its own thread. All the best.

David & Maria
AT 34 Jenna Star.
Hey folks, wasn't it a party, Wow! We enjoyed so much being there and meeting everyone and finding out what great people we have on the forum. And, we got to inspect engine rooms to boot, and I am happy to say they are all in compliance with TF standards, as were the coolers and fridges. Again, thanks to all and hope to do it all over again next year.:thumb: Safe trip to all those travelling. Can't wait to see the pictures. Hopefully not too many get censored.
What a fun weekend! Meeting new friends, seeing old friends, boat tours , spilled wine and other debauchery. Don even let us see engine rooms, after much pleading. Even giant PBR cans..
Thanks to all!
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What a great time Jackie and I had. It was fun to meet everybody and spend time chatting, drinking, and eating. Putting faces to names was great fun as well. We won't miss next year's event. Thanks to all for putting this together. BTW, despite reports to the contrary, I do have my shoes.
By the numbers: 7 boats, 23 humans and 2 dogs. Bottles of rum, bottles of wine and cases of beer consumed: classified.

There are additional pictures to be posted but the censors haven't released them let. Hopefully after the Super Bowl, they will have cleared so stay tuned.

The second Southeast Florida Gathering, Priceless! :thumb:

Don't for get a quart of Candian Club that some how was consumed on our boat along with the bottle of Carmalita's plus a few bottles of wine (some spilled on the deck by what's her name and Maria) and all the beer. Next year I want the exclusive booze concession for our group, I could retire again. I know Lou didn't drink and neither did I so you guys are really booze hounds. Just sayin!
I believe you are correct, Watfa did another inventory and we consumed even more that what was originally reported. LOL
Wifey B: Reminds me how much I miss Oliver being here. :(

I agree! I have a strong feeling we'll hear from Ollie again soon. He's a kindred spirit. I always admired his knowledge and maturity at such a young age. He's a very special young man.

Awesome party, Irv! I'm sure your wrong about the amount of alcohol consumed... Good thing we have censors.

I can assure you that the TF Site Team will not censor photos of an incriminating nature related to this FL PBR (pronounced "Flipper") Fest! We encourage the open sharing of incriminating or embarrassing moments.
Well Al, if you really feel that way perhaps a demonstration is in order.




The above may or may not be considered embarrassing photos taken at a TF raftup.
That's what I'm talking about!

(That is really great Photoshopping! It almost looks realistic.)
Computer problems here, but finally got a page up to post. It is important to straighten out something. I have been given far too much credit for this gathering. Scott who you know as PSNeeld (who bought more beer than me), Larry who you know as LarryM, Ted who you know as OC Diver, and Irv who you know as BigFish all stepped up to help. Irv stepped up big time.

It was great meeting new friends, and renewing contact with old friends. It was great having John Baker and Wendy as special guests. They flew in from Texas. John was one of the original founders of Trawler Forum.

Having computer problems I wrote a long narrative of the event. Then poof it suddenly disappeared. I'm in a motel on the road tonight. Maybe at home on my modem I can get it to post. Pictures are waiting also.

Thanks all for making this a great event. Loved every minute of it. You know we didn't even get up to Marine Connection. I don't want to hear any crap about us not being able to find a designated driver. Just stow it.
Don your too modest, putting this thing on took many hours an executive decisions on your part. Thanks, your efforts were greatly appreciated.

BTW you married great, we loved Lou. Next year you can stay home and she can run the show. LOL
Don, why weren't you in the guy's pic? Did you take the pic? Who's missing from the Admiral's pic? We need their names, too.
I believe someone mentioned that there were 23 people at the shindig, I think there were more over the four days, people kept showing up, spending some time and then left.
I believe someone mentioned that there were 23 people at the shindig, I think there were more over the four days, people kept showing up, spending some time and then left.

I think that was referring to 23 MEMBERS along with their captives/crew.

And Al, Don was the photographer so that is why he is not in the pics.
Wifey B: There's so much wonderful stuff to see around there I was thinking surely you had some comments on your visits to some of these sites. I know you didn't have a lot of time and most of you probably only got in three or four places.

I'm sure the Navy Seal Museum had to be high on your list, especially those of you who are ex military.

Isn't the St. Lucie County Aquarium one of the coolest little aquariums you've ever seen? Were you able to see Manatee at the observation center? Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute is a place many overlook.

The county historical museum is really special isn't it?

Now, I know one place we love that probably you didn't make and that is Art Mundo. An entire building of local artists.

Fort Pierce is really a great area and even the downtown is nice. Just was hoping to hear of your experiences beyond the food and drink. :rolleyes: :hide:
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