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    For maximum impact & exposure, it is suggested the Ad Title include: Year, Manufacturer, Model, Length, Price, and Location or at the very top of the ad body. When your item has sold or the ad is no longer relevant: Please post a Reply to the ad that the item is SOLD or click "Report Post" on post 1 of the thread to ask a moderator to archive the ad. Ads may be moved or removed by our staff at any time for any reason. All ads must comply with site rules. Thanks for your cooperation.
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Other: TF turning into Craigslist

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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If the classified section bothers you so much ..
don't look at it.. I don't
See how simple that is..

But.. post that whine about absolutely nothing really gets to me.


But hollywood, please tell us what you really think:lol:
But hollywood, please tell us what you really think:lol:

That was good for a chuckle!

actually what I first thought was from the old movie " Stripes".. but I thought I should not be so direct and show a little niceness...

But since you commented the below pic is what I thought..



  • francis.jpg
    5.3 KB · Views: 320
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If brokers and such are allowed to put their business link on every post they make I don't see how anybody can complain about the classified's.
Recently there have been several ads for stuff from members whose only contribution here seems to be classified ads. IMO, if you don't participate here and want to use the forum as a Craigslist, maybe you need to pony up


Some of the gear heads on TF sense a more insidious movement - creeping Facebook similarities! :eek::eek:
Tempest in a teapot, me thinks! Leave it alone.

I agree Marty,

Not going to war over this. It's just a bit more than fly stuff.

But if someone wants to discuss it I'm ok w that too.
I found this site because of a KK 42 on craigslist last year and have continued to enjoy the site. What I like most is very little bureaucratic crap, just an easy going pleasant place to visit a few times a day.
I enjoy the classifieds section. I have made one purchase so far and it was an A rated transaction.
I am on the side of "if you don't like it then don't go look at that section" group i guess.

I DONT like the spammers, and if that's what you are referring to then i am with you there...

On the other hand, the more people selling crap on here, the less I have to go to CL and weed thru that crap...LOL and sometimes I see stuff for sale that i didnt even know I needed!

Also, a generous post count on here does NOT a reliable seller make... although it does give SOME credence...
So much stuff on Craig's List I spend time there in "boats" as entertainment. So many boats and so much gear to look at. Do it w my I-pad during commercials while watching TV. If the program is bad enough I just "watch" Craig's List.
If brokers and such are allowed to put their business link on every post they make I don't see how anybody can complain about the classified's.

Excellent point that I've made with the administrators in the past. Position yourself as a subject matter "expert", and then quietly mine the membership for business. I hope they're paying for the perk.
I have a 24V Paragon self priming water pump for sale. How many more posts before I can post it on the classified section, and does this post count as one?
I have a 24V Paragon self priming water pump for sale. How many more posts before I can post it on the classified section, and does this post count as one?

Post away. You should not have any problem at all.
I am one of those who came here to TF to sell some really nice fuel tanks. If it means I cannot give these tanks a new owner and chance to spare them from the recycle bin just because I have not posted before sounds a little mean spirited to me. I know I am new but are we required to read everything posted in order to be a member? Am I at liberty to just passover things I don't have an interest in?
Sounds like someone needs to relax a bit man
exactly...but which side of the fence?:D
Since the question was asked "TF turning into Craigslist?" I see no problems at this point with posters flogging what they will, provided it is directly marine related, and it doesn't become a sales "habit" as it were. Mr. ss has replacement tanks for a Grand Banks. NO interest to me at all but for the owner of a GB could be a godsend depending on the price. I think if we all show a bit of tolerance and at the same time keep track of who is selling what and not let their postings get foolish everyone can benefit. I've seen several first time posters listing complete vessels. Valid post IMO.
From one relic to another

So much stuff on Craig's List I spend time there in "boats" as entertainment. So many boats and so much gear to look at. Do it w my I-pad during commercials while watching TV. If the program is bad enough I just "watch" Craig's List.
Yo, Eric, Google "DVR" on that iPad, and forget about commercials.
Uh, look up "Google" in the dictionary first I guess....:socool:
Personally I don't think it matters if one has a boat Tom. His post could be of interest to us. But there should be a special place for adds so we don't have to wade through all the adds to have conversations. Good conversation is where it's at. NOT adds and business cards as links. I'll bet if we didn't allow business links at the bottom of posts ALL the brokers would disappear .. except Mark.

George I was referring to adds on TV in post #40 not on the i-pad.
Glad to see you consider bullshitti3g is not time wasted. That can be an asset here on TF.
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. I'll bet if we didn't allow business links at the bottom of posts ALL the brokers would disappear .. except Mark.

Now I take a very different view on the signatures and links on the bottom of posts. I'm glad those in business here identify themselves in that way. Yes, it promotes their business. But it also identifies them and any built in bias as well as any special knowledge or experience that might be reflected in their posts. I see it as a plus rather than a negative. Now for those persons who only come here to sell or conduct business, I just don't pay a lot of attention. The GB tank guy first posted to sell the GB. He started a thread. Got one question asked. Never posted further in that thread. To me, I didn't read any of his selling posts as I had no interest. Their presence in no way impacted me positively or negatively.
We like boaters, only selling stuff is apparently not the purpose of TF. Do you have a boat?
I love boaters too. I love old boats the most. I love to bring those back to life as much as I can afford to. Do I have a boat?? That seems to point to a very arrogant attitude that really does not lend it self well to the spirit of the boating community as I know it. Probably why I will stick to my sailboats and people from the south. I have 5 boats to be exact if it means that much to you. From 33 feet and down. To me and my friends its about the camaraderie and the love of the water and boating. So I may ask you-
Arrogant much?
Might I suggest to all concerned, let's not get into a flaming war. Mr. ss has tanks for sale that may be of interest to one of the members. Whether or not he can even recognize a boat is of no concern IMO. Until it becomes a requirement for a certain number of posts to be able to list items for sale, let's all enjoy. As I mentioned in post #46 IF any certain individual seems to be taking advantage of the openness of TF THEN measures can be instituted or that particular member banned.
I love boaters too. I love old boats the most. I love to bring those back to life as much as I can afford to. Do I have a boat?? That seems to point to a very arrogant attitude that really does not lend it self well to the spirit of the boating community as I know it. Probably why I will stick to my sailboats and people from the south. I have 5 boats to be exact if it means that much to you. From 33 feet and down. To me and my friends its about the camaraderie and the love of the water and boating. So I may ask you-
Arrogant much?

You seem to want to dish it out too...sailors and people from the south are great too..but have nothing on anyone else....

before letting it go any further..I'd let the website staff figure it all out.
You seem to want to dish it out too...sailors and people from the south are great too..but have nothing on anyone else....

before letting it go any further..I'd let the website staff figure it all out.

Wifey B: I wonder if it's all the South or just some of it? What part of the South? I mean we're in South Florida but it's not really part of the South. Far more international. He might not like that. And came here from NC. Now it's South but not deep South.

And sailboats. Wonder if he's mono or cat? Which one does he include and which exclude from his special little club.

Well, one more case where even if he'd let me in his little exclusive south sailboat club, I'll decline membership. While I like southern sailboaters I like people of all types from all places. I'd suggest he create a strict list of membership qualifications. Specify the areas. Are we talking birth or residency? What about by marriage? Oh and what types, brands, sizes of sailboats? Just those built in the South perhaps? Oh my, that would surely limit them. Must they all be under 33'? Oh, and must they be old? Maybe post years acceptable?

I'm not sure how in the world south and sailboats came into the conversation.

What ever became of the boat the tanks were for? Guess it was sold. The boat thread doesn't say. Boat with nice new tanks but now just tanks. Oh well. He probably doesn't like blondes either....especially smart a.. ones like me....
I love boaters too. I love old boats the most. I love to bring those back to life as much as I can afford to. Do I have a boat?? That seems to point to a very arrogant attitude that really does not lend it self well to the spirit of the boating community as I know it. Probably why I will stick to my sailboats and people from the south. I have 5 boats to be exact if it means that much to you. From 33 feet and down. To me and my friends its about the camaraderie and the love of the water and boating. So I may ask you-
Arrogant much?

I meant to ask if you have a trawler, I'm so sorry I phrased my question wrong. Btw, do I detect some corrosion around the fill pipe welds.:facepalm:
sorry we got off on the wrong foot here. I no longer have a trawler we sold it. Just trying to sell these tanks. The fellow who installed them in his boat never got to use them had a stroke before finishing the project. I don't think there is corrosion on the fill pipe, more of a stain. The aluminum is in great shape. The galvanized pipe may be showing some stains but that was where there was water intrusion from the leaking window directly above it. Sorry about hostilities. If it is not cool to attempt to sell the tanks here I will delete the post and go away. Just thought someone may be able to use these. Might be best just to delete anyway. geez
Mr. ss. Seems you've ruffled a few feathers but I really can't see why. By all means, keep the tanks listed. Ya never know. I'm in the south as well but I guess according to some, not the DEEP south. I feel so inadequate...
Mr. ss. Seems you've ruffled a few feathers but I really can't see why. By all means, keep the tanks listed. Ya never know. I'm in the south as well but I guess according to some, not the DEEP south. I feel so inadequate...

Wifey B: You just don't know whether to be slicker or bumpkin to increase your chances.

And I understand stickystuff. Hey, now I honestly didn't mean that dirty or anything, just using the dude's id. But he's in Lakeland. Well, the people up there don't approve of us down here sometimes. Partly because we wear thong bikinis. Actually there was years ago, according to what I read, a dude from New Port Richey (which by the way doesn't look new to me...seems like after a certain number of years you should have to give the "new" part away). Was going to say the strip of fabric between had to be a certain width. Can only imagine cops going around with a ruler to measure.

You could ask for special clearance to join, RTF. Southern, not deep, special pass. Hate for you to feel inadequate.
Considering the number of trawler forum members (8,700+), the number of new classified adverts each day is minimal. Those who object to classified ads might consider not looking at them.
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