Thank you all for the kind words, emails, and prayers

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Pau Hana

Commercial Member
Aug 29, 2012
Good Ol' US of A!
Vessel Name
Pau Hana
Vessel Make
1989 PT52 Overseas Yachtfisher
The dumpster fire known as October is finally over (although it spread its evil tendrils well into November):

  • Late September/early October- my wife and I are visited by Auntie Covid
  • Since August- father in law in hospice. On October 2, he takes a major turn for the worse while we’re in quarantine
  • October 4th- paroled from quarantine
  • October 6th- father in law passes away
  • October 7th thru 20- estate hell
  • October 21st- funeral for father in law on what would have been his 96th birthday
  • October 21st- redeye to Florida for big boat show
  • October 25th- father in law is buried. On her way home, wife is rear-ended and car is totaled
  • November 5th; a dear friend of ours (and long time acquaintance of my father in law) passed away
  • November 6th- our Aunt Gloria passed.

We are with family for Thanksgiving, and come back to 2 funerals on Monday.

I want to thank all who reached out to me during this trying time. An internet forum has shown itself to me and our family to be a worldwide community. I/we appreciate you all.

If I missed any questions regarding insurance, I apologize and will work as fast as I can to get back to you.

Again, our sincerest thanks.

I am sorry to hear of your troubles and hope that things will improve for you soon!
Wow Peter, it doesn’t seem like there’s any place to go but up right?
Sure hope you’re on the tail end of it anyway, and hope you have a relaxing holiday.
Hopes and prayers for a small break. Hang in there my friend, it will get better.

Peter, I’ve been praying for you and your family. Hope things get better.
Giving such thanks after enduring such trials is the most sincere show of character.

Our best regards come with the prayers.
I completely understand how you feel. Sorry for your losses. My mom passed away last Monday due to covid. She was 101.
Things will be awesome for you and your family in the year(s) ahead.
When it rains, it pours. Here's hoping that your December is easier than your last couple of months have been. Good luck.
Glad to hear you made it through all of that. Almost time for a new and hopefully better year.
Peter and now Dave, my condolences on your losses.

Peter, glad to hear you are a survivor from covid as well.

Now it can only get better.
Let`s hope the hard times are in the past and the better times are coming. Remember the good times with those passed,and look forward.
Crikey, what a mess. Sorry you had to deal with all of that. Hopefully things get significantly less interesting soon!
I am sorry for all you have gone through.

Per Covid, I hope they can identify the individual (s) responsible so we can kill them brutally. If they are dead, tell us where they are buried so we can dig them up and beat them severally and then kill them all over.
With all the developing variants, Covid, in one form or another, may be with us forever.
Hopefully the year will end n an upswing and the new one will be Better!
Peter, so very sorry to hear about ALL that you and your family have gone through!!
I fervently hope that things will improve for you and yours very quickly. I am glad to hear that you are over Covid (at least I hope you are totally over it), and I am very sorry for your family's losses!!
Hopefull the New Year will be a great improvement.
We do not know you but wish you nothing but the best going forward. Tough times usually don’t last, but tough people do! Hang in there! A new year is on the horizon!

Just picked up on this thread and offer prayers and support for you! You've been thru a lot and no one deserves this much grief. Best to you and lean on friends to help you thru this.... wish I were closer.

Best, to you.
As I write this, my wife and I are driving home from seeing family in California. Between that re-connection and reading the responses here- amazing what disconnecting electronically and simply enjoying company does for the soul.

We are energized and looking forward to whatever comes our way next.
As I write this, my wife and I are driving home from seeing family in California. Between that re-connection and reading the responses here- amazing what disconnecting electronically and simply enjoying company does for the soul.

We are energized and looking forward to whatever comes our way next.
I think we all felt your pain. Life can certainly be a bitch. No-one ever said life would be easy, but just a little easier sometimes would be good. :flowers:
Peter and family - My prayers and best wishes are with you. I surely hope there is a "Happy" New Year soon to dawn for you all.

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Hey Brother.

I have been traveling this past month to visit grandkids. I am so sorry to hear of your issues.

Big prayers coming your way. If there is ANYTHING Kay and I can do for you and your family, please don't hesitate to call on us!!

Hang in there.
Holy Cow. Sending positive vibes your way and best wishes for a healing time for your souls.
I am sorry for your losses and wish both of you, Peter and Dave, (and we all need it, really) health and PEACE throughout the holidays and 2022.

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