The Strangest Look I ever got..

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Speaking of Crossing Borders

Back around 1985, at around the age of 23, I took a 10 day tour of Israel with some relatives. I was doing a lot of scuba back then and carried my dive and photo gear with me as I had booked a Red Sea trip at the tail end of the family trip. I headed to Eilat only to find out around 6pm that the dive trip was rescheduled for the following week! I already knew the diving in Eilat was boring so....

I walked to the border, the famous No Mans Land, and went through the Israeli exit stuff and was driven a hundred yards or so to the Egyptian Entry side when it was already getting dark. Now, if any of you happened to be diving back in the 80's, you may remember the Orca Edge, the 1st serious dive computer which was a heavy 6" x 3" blue brick with maybe a 2" square lcd.

You can't imagine the scene when one of the Egyptian soldiers flipped the lever and the screen started counting down from 10. Guns were out and I was on my knees telling them it was ok. At the end of the countdown a pixel version of an Orca was displayed with depth and time info.

Needless to say, when they finally let me go it was after 10pm and there were no more buses and I was left standing outside their shack/bunker with a nice view of my hotel in Eilat all lit up. Nobody else was nearby but after a while an off duty driver took pity on me and drove me to tourist campground in Nuweibaa where I could catch a bus south the next day!
strange looks

Wifey B: Yes, mine was without trying. He tried to shock the poor guys. That's more like me making out with a girlfriend on an elevator just to annoy the old ladies chattering over the length of our skirts. That was knowingly and intentional. :)

And she wins again!

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