To Hawaii

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
A fantastic feeling!
I can still remember the green 'glow' of Hawaii after not seeing that color for 17 days!
That's not the form visiting yachts are required to fill out. Boats fill out a 'Tempoary Moorage Application.'. I'll know what the fee is when we land a bit later.

The fees for moorings in Hawaii seem to be listed here:

The temporary mooring application you mentioned is here, I believe:

I hope I'm being helpful sharing this with you, if I'm not just let me know and I'll stop.
Land Ho. Barely visible, but there it is. No where near as exciting as landfall found with sextant only, but nice anyway.

Congratulations! Hope you enjoy your stay in Hawaii and the trip back in uneventful.

The fees for moorings in Hawaii seem to be listed here:

The temporary mooring application you mentioned is here, I believe:

I hope I'm being helpful sharing this with you, if I'm not just let me know and I'll stop.

This is incredibly helpful. I had the moorage application, but could not find any info on what the exact rules are, so thank you. I brought a periodontist as crew this trip. Next time, I'll bring a lawyer to help interpret state law.

From this, it APPEARS the following is true, and if you think I'm off base, please let me know.

You can anchor on your own hook without a permit "off shore" for 1.5 times the permitted moorage fee, or $4.50/ft/mo. (sec 13-234-4 and 5).

It doesn't seem to say to whom or where you pay these fees, but I assume the local harbor authority. Nor does it define what offshore actually means, but I assume that's anyplace where you're not on one of the state buoys or docks.

What do you think?
I believe you file the permits with the nearest harbormaster otherwise the state DOBOR office is in Honolulu all the DOBOR (Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation) office contact information can be found here:
Delfin, just a heads up the 2023 Transpac sailboat race just got underway and the are expecting the boats in the race to begin arriving the week of 4th of July and after in Honolulu. The harbors may be a bit full but so will all the parties at the yacht clubs. Looks like about 72 boats entered the race this year so it should be interesting.
Overnight run through the Alenuihaha channel to Maui.


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Delfin, just a heads up the 2023 Transpac sailboat race just got underway and the are expecting the boats in the race to begin arriving the week of 4th of July and after in Honolulu. The harbors may be a bit full but so will all the parties at the yacht clubs. Looks like about 72 boats entered the race this year so it should be interesting.
Yes. Likely not going to be possible to find dock space at All Wai, but I hope to find anchorage someplace other than Keehi lagoon.
Pleasant overnight run from Hilo to Lahaina on Maui. The Alenuihaha channel between Hawaii and Maui can get a bit sporty, but just 20 knots from the stern. Once in the lee of Maui, it was near glassy. Had four of what I believe were Pantropical Spotted Dolphins play tag in the bow wave on the way over.


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Yes. Likely not going to be possible to find dock space at All Wai, but I hope to find anchorage someplace other than Keehi lagoon.
Keehi Lagoon was my home for 2 years in the '80's. La Marina Sailing Club is still
there but I don't know about today's dinghy docking situation.
Keehi Lagoon was my home for 2 years in the '80's. La Marina Sailing Club is still
there but I don't know about today's dinghy docking situation.
I hadn't heard great things about keehi, but if you stayed there for two years it can't be bad. Recommended?
Uss nimitz

Too funny. I'm returning from a 7mo deployment on the Nimitz. We are off the coast of CA now. Air Wing fly off today. Flying one of our F18s off to Lemoore, CA and will be home tonight. We left Hawaii on the 23rd. Have averaged about 30 knots SOG, at least. Have been following your posts and wondered if I'd see you out here.

That other ship you saw is a Merchant Marine supply ship for our strike group. We also have the USS Decatur and USS Bunker Hill in tow. Not sure where they are now, but they generally stay on our flanks just on the horizon. Our other ships are homeported in Hawaii.

Have a safe trip to HI. The weather was beautiful there.


The USS NIMITZ is inbound the Strait of Juan de Fuca, visible from my flybridge.
I hadn't heard great things about keehi, but if you stayed there for two years it can't be bad. Recommended?
I last had a boat there 40 years ago so quite out of date but it was fairly well
protected in typical weather. I did ride out Iwa at my dock there and survived!

In those days, La Mariana was one of the few marinas that allowed liveaboards
and so was well populated by transient sailors like myself. A pretty good scene.
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I last had a boat there 40 years ago so quite out of date but it was fairly well
protected in typical weather. I did ride out Iwa at my dock there and survived!

In those days, La Mariana was one of the few marinas that allowed liveaboards
and so was well populated by transient sailors like myself. A pretty good scene.
Thank you!
Delfin, Keehi lagoon is a well sheltered anchorage where one could anchor with a permit or get a transient permit for the mooring balls. There are two dinghy docks for the public there and I would recommend a bicycle lock or other locking system for your outboard so it doesn’t grow legs without you there. La Mariana is for sailboats only for the slips but they have the last real Tiki bar in the state I think. Kinda cool place for dinner.

The state harbor there has almost no slips left due to the docks collapsing from the states deferred maintenance program. However there is also Keehi Marine Center which is a real nice marina. They likely have some transient slips for you. Just check with Jan (Pronounced Yan) at the office.

You might also try the Hawaii , Waikiki, and Kaneohe Yacht clubs. They often have a few transient slips for short term rental.
Delfin, Keehi lagoon is a well sheltered anchorage where one could anchor with a permit or get a transient permit for the mooring balls. There are two dinghy docks for the public there and I would recommend a bicycle lock or other locking system for your outboard so it doesn’t grow legs without you there. La Mariana is for sailboats only for the slips but they have the last real Tiki bar in the state I think. Kinda cool place for dinner.

The state harbor there has almost no slips left due to the docks collapsing from the states deferred maintenance program. However there is also Keehi Marine Center which is a real nice marina. They likely have some transient slips for you. Just check with Jan (Pronounced Yan) at the office.

You might also try the Hawaii , Waikiki, and Kaneohe Yacht clubs. They often have a few transient slips for short term rental.
Thanks very much! If you are close and you see us out there, ping me.

Checking in on you guys.

I saw a storm was headed your way.

Hope your doing well.

Checking in to see how long your staying, any other islands your visiting, & how the local cruising is there in the islands.


Alfa Mike
Checking in on you guys.

I saw a storm was headed your way.

Hope your doing well.

Checking in to see how long your staying, any other islands your visiting, & how the local cruising is there in the islands.


Alfa Mike
. Thanks Mike!

We've been anchored out in Kaneohe Bay for the last 10 days, and with Calvin past us to the West, we'll be heading to Honolulu for refueling, then transit to Kauai tonight. Kaneohe Bay is a great Anchorage, which are hard to find in Hawaii. We spent a few days out in the rolling roadstead off Lahaina, so the relatively calm waters in K Bay are welcome.

I expect we'll get beat up a bit on the way to Honolulu, with 7' waves and 24 knot gusts currently, but I gather that is pretty typical for the east side of Oahu.

A Hawaii trip is about the ocean voyaging, at least for me. The scenario is beautiful, the weather and water is warm, but the geologic newness of the place means few harbors, so when you post up in one, like Hilo, or K Bay, you stay put a bit longer than if you're harbor hopping to Alaska. But all in all, a great experience.
Just thinking about Delfin as Hurricane Douglas bears down on the islands. Hopefully, you are tucked in a lagoon somewhere or on the leeward side at least with the hatches battened down.
Just thinking about Delfin as Hurricane Douglas bears down on the islands. Hopefully, you are tucked in a lagoon somewhere or on the leeward side at least with the hatches battened down.
Thank you Bill. Currently, we're anchored in Nawiliwili Bay on Kauai, with no real threats pending. I'll be heading back to WA in a couple of weeks, and if the long term forecast holds, I should see some very calm seas and low winds once I get a couple hundred miles north of Kauai.
And just when think putting across the Pacific sipping wine and reading good books is something, you meet this young lady, Kay Tavinor, who, with two other women just rowed from Monterrey CA to Hanalei Bay in Kauai. 40 days.


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Leaving Lihue (Nawiliwili Bay), 2300 NM to Washington State. Really benign conditions today.


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Hawaii back to Washington state

Wishing you calm seas & winds.

Keep us in the loop.

Stay safe.

Alfa Mike
Any forecast lows moving in on your route? What is your fuel load and estimated burn? Fair winds and blue skies Carl.
Any forecast lows moving in on your route? What is your fuel load and estimated burn? Fair winds and blue skies Carl.
Tom, there's one approaching Hawaii from the east, which is why I hightailed it out of Kauai yesterday. 30-35 knots on the nose rounding Kauai's west coast, but it mellowed by nightfall and today has been very benign. I'm averaging 7 knots, burning 3 gph, so with a full load of fuel - 2250 gallons, no issues there. The 10 day forecast on Predictwind shows we need to do some dodging to avoid beating into slop, but it looks doable. We're committed, so it will turn out as it turns out.


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Correct. Full keel with a skeg mounted steel rudder does a pretty good job of protecting the prop. Spurs to chew up fishing lines, non electronic CAT 3306, so not very high odds of a sufficient mechanical problem to need them, but if so, I can make around 3 knots off the wind from beam to broad reach. Not beating off any lee shores, however.

Do you hoist the sails for a bit of a boost, take some load off the engine and to soften the roll?
Do you hoist the sails for a bit of a boost, take some load off the engine and to soften the roll?
Well, I should, but so far have been too lazy, plus I'm not sure whether the stabilizers would spend time working against them. So, likely they'll stay in the bag unless I need them.
You got out of Hawaii just in time.

How are you doing so far.

What route are you taking back ?

How are conditions ?

Inquiring minds want to know ?


Alfa Mike
You got out of Hawaii just in time.

How are you doing so far.

What route are you taking back ?

How are conditions ?

Inquiring minds want to know ?


Alfa Mike
Hi Mike, yes, I saw systems starting to develop to the east and decided that getting out of Dodge was prudent. I am so sad about the devastation Maui has experienced, and really wonder how the dozens of boats anchored in what is an exposed anchorage off Lahaina made out. Just terrible.

The last time I sailed to Hawaii, our return was planned based on pilot charts showing the percentage of time wind direction and speed might be experienced along different routes. Today, courtesy of StarLink, I can download a grib chart twice a day and the best route is pretty much the same as it was before - make a bunch of northing, then turn east once the winds shift astern. One big difference is that since going over to the dark side and now on a power boat, I aim for the dead spots. Sailing you have to avoid them if you want to avoid getting becalmed.

We're about 1,000 miles directly north of Kauai right now, and are currently experiencing glassy seas with no wind. Should be that way for a couple of days, then the wind is forecast to be from the south. If the forecast holds, we'll be heading up almost to the latitude of the Queen Charlottes to keep the wind aft before rounding and heading south along the west coast of Vancouver Island. S/b a 16 day transit of around 2650 nm.


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