Toilet paper for a fuel filter?

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As I posted earlier, I installed the Jr system for fuel polishing a tank of dirty diesel.
This was on a single engine boat with twin Racor primary filters and a secondary
filter just before the injection pump.
My goal was to clean up the bad fuel and have a polishing system in place for the
future that would remove contaminants before they got into the primary filters.

IMO, this is the intended and best use for these filters. They do a good job,
cost very little and conserve your primary filters rather than replace them.
If I were to use paper filters, I would use paper towel rolls cut to size, but I would never use toilet paper rolls. Have you ever tried wiping anything with toilet paper? There is way too much dust and particles left behind. Thinking that could be in my fuel system makes me cringe.

“Have you ever tried wiping anything with toilet paper?”

I submit that many here have lol
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