Travel to Canada right now

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Don't you mean Bull S..t?

I live in a county that has had only 54 cases since testing started and I don't stand on the dock and sneer at every boat that comes into the bay.

Obviously the US flagged boats have figured a legal work around to be in BC.

We had the same kind of thing happening when our Governor stopped work, Some nosy neighbors turned construction workers and gardeners when there was only 1 person working.. total social distancing ..but some folks got pissed someone else had figured out how to make it work.


Yep. I agree. Some have figured out a loop hole or have a right to sail through B.C.:thumb::thumb:

I thought you woul be some pissed over this. You have been forced to put your 2020 AK trip on the shelf, until who knows when and others are just going merrily up the coast and back.
Shucks, maybe if you had known, you could have played "tender to" one of them.

Na has nothing to do with my trip getting cancelled. If you think these folks are breaking the law, then file a complaint, otherwise pipe down.:eek::dance:
Meh. Tempest in a teapot. I would venture they are working within the rules.

Screw the calling CBSA and the RCMP, call the CBC and get one of their hard working investigative 20-something year old journalists on it to really stir up the anti-American rhetoric.

BTW, the truly wealthy just buy passports from other countries to bypass the rules.
You guys need to get out more on your boats, way to much adrenaline wasted on this thread.

And our border probably won't be re-opening for two or three years, wish that weren't the reality but it is. No vaccine given and working, no border opened.

I have university roommates from Chicago whom I'd love to come up on my boat and head towards the Broughtons, not going to happen.

So you all might as well mellow out, come on - remember Mellow Yellow? None of us are going to get to visit favourite cross border places for some time to come. And I have in the past spent a great deal of time along the Washington and Oregon and Northern California coast, but that's out.
The border closure was for non-essential travel and clearly exempted commercial travel as well as some other cross border travel such as healthcare. I would imagine in the widest sense that Nw explorations could be considered commercial or just passing through to AK.... My kid is going to bring his commercial fishing boat from AK to Wa and CBP said there were no issues.

As much as this closure was an issue for US boaters wanting to head north this summer, the shoe will be on the other foot this fall and winter when the Canadians that have homes in AZ and other southern states want to get out of the cold and wet. I would guess that the border closure will have a much larger impact as there are many more Canadians that own homes in the US then US citizens that own boats that want to head in to Canada.
As much as this closure was an issue for US boaters wanting to head north this summer, the shoe will be on the other foot this fall and winter when the Canadians that have homes in AZ and other southern states want to get out of the cold and wet. I would guess that the border closure will have a much larger impact as there are many more Canadians that own homes in the US then US citizens that own boats that want to head in to Canada.

Nah. You can still fly.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) travel restrictions apply only to Canadians trying to enter the U.S. at land border crossings, which includes travel by car, train, ferry and pleasure boats.

This document announces the
decision of the Secretary of Homeland
Security (Secretary) to continue to
temporarily limit the travel of
individuals from Canada into the United
States at land ports of entry along the
United States-Canada border.


At this time, this Notification does not
apply to air,
freight rail, or sea travel
between the United States and Canada,
but does apply to passenger rail,
passenger ferry travel, and pleasure boat
travel between the United States and

They would still have to isolate for 14 days when coming back to Canada. The question is; will the still want to go south this winter?
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Oh well, it will good to see the Caknuckle heads (their term not mine) again. Everyone down here from Canada had to cut their time down here short early this year. The out of country health insurance coverage was terminated due to Covid, They had 10 days to return or else loose coverage, most did a few choose to self insure and stay.
Oh well, it will good to see the Caknuckle heads (their term not mine) again. Everyone down here from Canada had to cut their time down here short early this year. The out of country health insurance coverage was terminated due to Covid, They had 10 days to return or else loose coverage, most did a few choose to self insure and stay.

Good point about the health insurance. That will likely hold a lot of people back. I usually purchase that as well when travelling. It will be interesting to see if/how much the cost increases.
...Not so much now, but in May, Port McNeill saw a lot of US boats not showing on your typical, free vessel tracking app. and many displayed no flags.

What do you mean by “a lot”? Provide names and locations. I saw two in May that had a legitimate reason to transit BC water and had been allowed to proceed as their permanent residence was AK. One other that was heading north and ran a ground. The captain went home but his vessel stayed behind. There might have been one other boat, can’t recall that was stranded in Port McNeil, but North Island Marina was nearly empty of boats in May except for a handful of Cdn boaters.

Ya, well, we earned our low numbers and want to keep them low.

Like I said earlier...imagine if Mexico and Canada had 43 times the cases of the USA...would you be waving hello to us coming across your border?

That makes perfect sense and I will respectfully agree.

This reminds me of, The “911” days. During 911, we were sailing the lower part of inland Vancouver Is. the Canadian Navy and US Navy were quite active. Seemed like mission trainings? We had no clue as to why there were no buzzing aircraft and the Navy was patrolling. We never were boarded or challenged and we had no tv or public radio to make us aware. With just hanging on the hook and exploring we just never knew 911 happened for 3 days. Upon entering the USA three days after 911, we were detained for three hours then our boat was inspected. I was questioned due to being a pilot. All while three Armed US Customs Agents were posted at our boat. We were not allowed to leave our mooring the entire time. We were the only boat at the US Customs dock, the entire time. That is how we found out that “911” had happened three days earlier.
That makes perfect sense and I will respectfully agree...

To emphasize the point further, it's now 8 days since that quote and the USA now has had 45.6 times the number of Covid-19 cases than Canada. (So far...Canada may catch up in the second wave).

Must have been weird to find out about 911 that way. We had a similar experience when we hadn't seen a TV or heard any news for a month while sea kayaking BC's coast, then the first thing we saw on the first TV we ran into was news of the Rodney King riots in L.A.

Was nice to "get back out there" where there was only the reality of Nature :thumb:
That makes perfect sense and I will respectfully agree.

This reminds me of, The “911” days. During 911, we were sailing the lower part of inland Vancouver Is. the Canadian Navy and US Navy were quite active. Seemed like mission trainings? We had no clue as to why there were no buzzing aircraft and the Navy was patrolling. We never were boarded or challenged and we had no tv or public radio to make us aware. With just hanging on the hook and exploring we just never knew 911 happened for 3 days. Upon entering the USA three days after 911, we were detained for three hours then our boat was inspected. I was questioned due to being a pilot. All while three Armed US Customs Agents were posted at our boat. We were not allowed to leave our mooring the entire time. We were the only boat at the US Customs dock, the entire time. That is how we found out that “911” had happened three days earlier.
Americans have forgotten 9/11
Americans have forgotten 9/11

How dare you - rabble rouser! We were in Gander when the jets started landing. We organised the town to allow people into their homes. We opened our hangars that had food, blankets and emergency supplies stored inside. Only one flight crew - from Lufthansa - said thanks. No one else.
In defense of Mr. ASD, I think there is some validity in his comment. It seems to me, that the USA and a LOT of the rest of the world is on a quest for new, more, better, faster which leaves much of what has gone before in the corner and forgotten.
In defense of Mr. ASD, I think there is some validity in his comment. It seems to me, that the USA and a LOT of the rest of the world is on a quest for new, more, better, faster which leaves much of what has gone before in the corner and forgotten.

Still, it's a pretty standard troll technique to drop "a live one" like that (which is unrelated to the topic at hand) into a thread with little explanation and disappear to watch the ensuing chaos.
In defense of Mr. ASD, I think there is some validity in his comment. It seems to me, that the USA and a LOT of the rest of the world is on a quest for new, more, better, faster which leaves much of what has gone before in the corner and forgotten.

Good points. I'd further add that The War on Terror currently receives little notice from the media. Certainly not mentioned by anyone notable this week.

But the armed forces, CIA, FBI, NSA and other law enforcement groups are actively engaged in rooting out the evil doers. They just can't talk about it given the anti law and order period we're going through.
Mr. MM. In another 10 years if not sooner AND if C-19 is still a problem, the wearing of masks and social distancing may become the norm similar to TSA checks at airports. I think Mr. ASD's comment is addressing the fact that a goodly number of people accept the TSA without knowing why (911) other than it supposedly keeps the bad guys away.

Ya gotta remember, 50% of the population is below average intelligence and in spite of the fact that the word "average", IS by definition 50%, I still think the number is much higher.
While I understand the upset over this latest, Tom has been active here for a long time and I don't think he "acts like a troll". I do at least understand his sentiment, and agree with RTF as well. However, like the group that seems to be upset by this comment, I have not forgotten, and never will! I lost many friends and colleagues from the FDNY that day, and the damage is still ongoing.

I am grateful for the ongoing work of law enforcement to protect us all as best they can.
Americans have forgotten 9/11

45% of America now is under 36 years old. That means they were not even of driving age when it happened.

And to bring COVID into it, very few people remembered the Spanish Flu in less than two generations. This shouldn't be a surprise.

Soon, the US will be mesmerized by the latest Kardashian shenanigans, some professional sports team playoffs, or the latest outrage associated with the newest suffixed letter tacked onto LGBTQIA+.


Either that or we will be in the streets with pitchforks and torches.
Ya, well, we earned our low numbers and want to keep them low.

Like I said earlier...imagine if Mexico and Canada had 43 times the cases of the USA...would you be waving hello to us coming across your border?

Frankly this is a tempest in a teapot. Three boats? 30 Boats? 300 Boats, what about the THOUSANDS of trucks that cross daily? The I5 corridor from Washington to Southern California is filled with Canadian trucks using the rest areas, eating in the restaurants, and fueling at the fuel stations. Its pretty easy on a boat to be almost completely isolated, not so a trucker. So I think making a big deal over a few transits is relatively petty. I know a few don't want to do it but far more seem quite willing.

Also, the USCG IS stopping boats anywhere near the border, we got stopped out by Stuart Island since our course could have taken us to Bedwell. Once we said we were going to Prevost Harbor they sped away. I ALSO saw Canadian sailboats close off Turn Point, clearly in US waters. So should they be detained and quaranteened for 'crossing the line"?
Unfortunately I feel that you missed a few "key" ideas or points. Pleasure boating is not an essential activity. I do agree that it is important to a lot of us, but it is hard to argue it is essential.
Trucking is for both of our economies a life blood so to speak. We require the movement of goods in how our societies are now set up. Food for one is transported both ways and is rightly considered essential. Imagine the issues, if all truck drivers had to quarantine (both directions) to facilitate the movement of these essential goods. I hope they are taking all necessary precautions.

Also, if boaters were allowed to cross (in either direction), why not allow crossing by land?? Then the "flood gates" would be opened and "seeding" of new infections would be possible in both countries. Rule 1 in pandemic control, stop the importation of new cases, otherwise you "chase your tail".

I understand your "logic" and don't totally disagree, I just feel that what they have come up with, while far from perfect, is at least somewhat "reasonable" under these new and ever changing circumstances.
I have never liked "selfish" cheaters who feel that the rules and laws that inconvenience them are really only for everyone else and they don't apply to me! Imagine the chaos if everyone did this, even if only for a few rules.
Frankly this is a tempest in a teapot. Three boats? 30 Boats? 300 Boats, what about the THOUSANDS of trucks that cross daily? The I5 corridor from Washington to Southern California is filled with Canadian trucks using the rest areas, eating in the restaurants, and fueling at the fuel stations.

But on the other hand, boaters are typically going to small, isolated communities with minimal health care facilities (and in some cases a history of explorers bringing in diseases). At least only very few boaters would be in the I-5 corridor.

For the small isolated communities, why would they want to risk it? Sure, they make money from tourism but you can't spend it if you are sick or dead. And if boaters are completely isolating on their boats, then the small communities are not making any tourism income to speak of anyway. So there is only risk, no matter how small. What is their motivation to make an exception to the current border rules that are in place along the entire border so that pleasure boaters can come isolate there? Why trade no risk for small risk?
Frankly this is a tempest in a teapot...

If the country to the south of you had 10 times your population (3.2 Billion people) and 43 times your Covid-19 cases (243.9 Million cases) you would not consider it a tempest in a teapot for them to cross into your country at will, especially when a lot of them would head north into your country to "get away to a safer place" for a bit of a holiday :socool:
If the country to the south of you had 10 times your population (3.2 Billion) and 43 times your Covid-19 cases (243.9 Million cases) you would not consider it a tempest in a teapot for them to cross into your country at will, especially when a lot of them would head north into your country to "get away to a safer place" for a bit of a holiday :socool:

Hey Murray! Glad to see you are finally picking up on the value of logarithms for comparative purposes. :lol: :hide:
Americans have forgotten 9/11

Not back east for the most part or if you had anything to do with national security.

Getting on with life and not dwelling on things is a far cry from " forgetting".
Hey Murray! Glad to see you are finally picking up on the value of logarithms for comparative purposes. :lol: :hide:

I am not worthy of your instruction, Master.

I endeavour to do better than a Chimpanzee (yes, I saw and liked the ted talk you linked to :thumb: )
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