Trawler Forum Burgees Now Available!

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Not sure this is right but here goes.Hi gang I just joined the forum. Immediate question to get me started. I am working on a Ford Lehman 80 hp 254 engine. Can you tell me the valve clearance specs. It has rotates on the valves.
Cheers Dan Timms
Dan, I posed that question in the computer search and up popped more than a page on the Ford Lehman 80 hp 254 engine. Happy reading. It has to be in there somewhere.
There is YouTube video that, according to the paragraph, covers injector and valve adjustment. I suspect the clearance is discussed in there.
We had a week of 40–50kn winds, SSW, with gust to 60... I can report that my TF burgee is not longer on the boat; neither's the mast I used to fly it from. :(

But when the Admiral and I took Seabiscuit our yesterday, she saw the burgee sitting on the river bottom, with mast attached. I have the stanchion clamp and the screw that holds the mast (happily it's a captured design) so when the weather calms down, and the tides and a warm day combine, I will dive on it and hopefully effect a rescue!

Loctite next time.
We had a week of 40–50kn winds, SSW, with gust to 60... I can report that my TF burgee is not longer on the boat; neither's the mast I used to fly it from. :(

But when the Admiral and I took Seabiscuit our yesterday, she saw the burgee sitting on the river bottom, with mast attached. I have the stanchion clamp and the screw that holds the mast (happily it's a captured design) so when the weather calms down, and the tides and a warm day combine, I will dive on it and hopefully effect a rescue!

Loctite next time.

It's good you found the burgee but... it's toast. All the electrical stuff that Wayfarer engineered into to will be soaked with salt water. Sure, you can clean it up but it's only a matter of time before it all corrodes. Also going to be tough to get insurance now that it was sunk. Better order a new one. :)
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firstbase, what electrical stuff is engineered into the burgees?
firstbase, what electrical stuff is engineered into the burgees?

Only Wayfarer knows for sure. :) I was joking of course. It was only a cloth burgee but the design process was the TF equivalent to the most complex NASA engineering job in history.
Mine quit working after going for a swim, it refused to wave in the wind. Worthless now!
Not sure this is right but here goes.Hi gang I just joined the forum. Immediate question to get me started. I am working on a Ford Lehman 80 hp 254 engine. Can you tell me the valve clearance specs. It has rotates on the valves.
Cheers Dan Timms

Welcome aboard Dan. It would get more attention if you started a new thread. But for Lehman questions and problems talk to Brian at American Diesel. 804-435-3107.
Hal: Aha! Yes, it was a complex process, I agree, but I entirely missed the joke (only had one coffee so far; that's my defence).

Hal: Aha! Yes, it was a complex process, I agree, but I entirely missed the joke (only had one coffee so far; that's my defence).


Sometimes, it is good to miss the joke.
Alas, we could have made it salt water resistant, but that would have taken at least two more polls. Sorry for your loss. :flowers:
Hal: Aha! Yes, it was a complex process, I agree, but I entirely missed the joke (only had one coffee so far; that's my defence).


It was a poor joke to begin with. Ah, the burgee....good times, good times.
Well, a successful rescue:

I waited until a low high tide, and roped a boat hook to a landing net. A moment later, a very slimy TF burgee and its parted mast were landed. One trip through the washing machine, and the burgee is refitted.

All electronics work, too. Mine still flaps, AFAIK; no wind today. I am squatting at the public wharf here, docked across the tide (my preference).

I have Loktited all screws this time...


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Success! When the wind does pick up make sure you let it run long enough to flap it up to temp and burn off the moisture. )
Success! When the wind does pick up make sure you let it run long enough to flap it up to temp and burn off the moisture. )

You might get a little steam or white smoke at first, but don't worry. It looks like the blue smoke is still well contained.
I got it flapping the first time back on the mast with a little shot of ether; after it warmed up, it flaps perfectly every time!
Please be very careful of the threads shorting out, could the dive boat in Ca have had the same problem.
I just changed the zincs on mine. I decided to go with aluminum. Better for a salt spray and rain environment.
I just changed the zincs on mine. I decided to go with aluminum. Better for a salt spray and rain environment.

If you had to change them this soon I bet you have a bonding issue.

At what point does someone on TF start yelling at us? :)
You haven’t been yelled at yet? They don’t love you then. :)
If you had to change them this soon I bet you have a bonding issue..
There must be a history of 2 TFers bonding, one day we will hear....
Maybe we should have a poll to see if this thread is getting too silly.
Maybe we should have a poll to see if this thread is getting too silly.

A poll with only one choice? That could work. Hey, with all this silliness...where is RT Firefly? Certainly there is a Groucho meme somewhere out there that shows him saving a burgee from the bottom of a river....
I’m finally a member of the club! TF Burgee on the port spreader. On the starboard spreader is India Lima, which according to the international code of signals means ‘I can only proceed at slow speed.’

I wanted to put up the code for ‘patient has flatulence’ but I didn’t have a Mike or a Juliet.

I’m finally a member of the club! TF Burgee on the port spreader. On the starboard spreader is India Lima, which according to the international code of signals means ‘I can only proceed at slow speed.’

I wanted to put up the code for ‘patient has flatulence’ but I didn’t have a Mike or a Juliet.

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Congrats! Must ask though..what took you so long?!?!

A TF Patient Has Flatulence burgee huh?....hmmmm.......
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