Trawler Forum Marin Trivia

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I don't really see the point here either, but if Marin doesn't mind, who am I to resist. HOWEVER, it's going into Off Topic where it belongs.
Common man, It is just for fun everyone know's Marin is outspoken in his opinions of what he likes and dislikes he repeats it often. Just fooling around.

Marin has been a mainstay with the forum for many years.
His comments are all well regarded.

I for one would be honored to call such a man friend or at least personal aquaintence Even if just thru the internet and this forum.
I don't think his skin is that thin.

His comments are indepth well writen and well thought out.

If only I could write so well.
I admire him and his accomplishments.

Absolutely agree 100% Skippy, I enjoy reading every one of your post Marin and love it when you raises the neck feathers. Actually, I appreciate all the opinions expressed here and if I'm on anyones ignore list then oh well, so be it. I know Marin I wasn't on your ignore list...

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I don't know if this thread is intended to be funny, but I find it in rather poor taste. Making a prolonged joke of a member's opinions is not the spirit of Trawler Forum.

Relax, Mike. Nice of you to come to Marin's aid, but take a look at the number of posts with Skipperdude and Marin. They were pulling each other's chain long before we thought about this forum.
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