Trawlers from around the world

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May 2, 2012
I am fortunate to travel quite a bit in my work. During my travels being a boat person I often take photos of local boats. Thought it would be interesting to start a thread on trawlers from other country's. I will start the thread. Please if you can contibute do so. I am always interested in seeing how people from other places adapt there vessels to local needs.

Brazil- I'm sure Portuguese will recoginze these types. Very sea worthy vessels. The fishermen catch lots of fish from them and stay out in very ugly weather.


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In the top photo it looks like they are all tied together and have bridles.
Why are they tied together?
The bottom photo looks like a baby freighter. And from the wake it looks like he's traveling at about half of hull speed.
They are. Actually they are tied off to the FPSO. It is a Turret style that swings to the current/wind so it is always Bow in. Rides better and makes it easier for offloads. The fishing boats would tie off to our stern while the crews would rest. We were very far out. Sometimes they would work for days in our area.
The bottom photo looks like a cross between a Chinease Junk and a Trawler. It was cutting across our wake so slowed down.
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