Ultra Anchor

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Oct 31, 2007
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Willard Nomad 30'
Ultra by Quickline has got to be the most beautiful anchor in the world and may be the most expensive too. 35lbs = $1596.00 ... 46lbs = $1965.00

But they appear to be a very effective anchor as well. It looks good from a design point of view. It's ballasted and has a hollow shank so it should "assume the position" all on it's own w/o the benefit of a roll bar so it should be impossible to land upside-down. The nice slick shape should slide easily into the sea bottom. Could be prone to setting while right-side up like the SARCA but has side skids like the Supreme and Rocna so it seems the Ultra is designed to do that but still prefer right-side up??

I'm not vain enough to have a polished SS anchor on my boat and it would seem to be an electric sign saying "steal me". Would'nt bother Walt P. I wonder if he has seen these? Has anybody devastated their wallet and bought one of these??????? Sure would like to hear about it.


Murray I saw that ... cut it out. Was of better pics but you saw what happened. Uggg
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Looks like the egg casing of some Intergalactic alien species. I'd have to paint, scrape and pound the *bling* off it before it came aboard our boat!
General configuration looks a lot like my Spade.
I suspect it is a very good anchor, as it has similarities to the Delta, Sarca Excel, and Spade, but has the convex fluke which will bring up more sticky type bottom. But hey, if you have a good deck wash....
However, one might have concerns re the price, the fact they appear only available in stainless steel, and having a stainless and hollow shank...bearing in mind the relative strengths of stainless to high tensile steel.
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I had a polished stainless claw on my old boat that I bought off Kijiji brand new for $150. I waited all summer and expected someone to steal it but they didn't. I like shiny stuff but not for $1500. Engineering has a value but I can't imagine they will sell many at that price, well designed or not.

I think it has a concave fluke.
I was at the New Orleans Workboat Show (caters mainly to the oil industry) yesterday, the Ultra anchor people had a booth there, complete with demo pans and scale models of delta, danforth, cqr, bruce etc. It performed very well in those tests (which doesn't mean they will perform well in actual use) but the demos were impressive especially the resetting after a 90 or 180 degree turn.
I would be a bit worried that if the blade got wedged and a hard pull to either side might break off the shank. But, I have no idea if that is a problem with them or how tough the hollow shank really is. I should have asked how the shank is made but didn't think of it then. I sure looks nice, whatever that is worth.
Steve W
Yup ..

The visuals are nicer than any other anchor and it looks like it could preform as well as it looks. But that just a visual take.

I like the fact that it has no roll bar but it does need ballast as I recall. I'd like to see it tested w other known anchors.

Also I'd like to see the XYZ and the new "Boss" anchor tested. They are both available and as far as I know are not yet tested.

My own XYZ works very well and Manson (the maker of the "Boss") is known for excellent products. I really wonder how the Boss will compare w the Supreme (same manufacturer) as it has no roll bar and I know a bit about the Supreme as I have one and have used it some. It looks like the shank on the Boss is designed not to resist penetration up to about 12".

The Ultra looks very ultra indeed but I think few will pay the price so I don't think they are really very serious about marketing w/o a galvanized product. SS is about 100% pretentious.
The only rollbar anchor on K-dock, presently holding about 80 boats, mixed power and sail, between 30 and 65 feet:

That anchor Mark is a Bugel. The first anchor to employ the roll bar. And I believe designed by a German that as I recall had something to do w the design of the Bruce as well.
An elegant display of a Danforth anchor:

Haven't seen the need to change from my claw. Boat has stayed secure despite 180-degree shifts in tidal-current direction.

Haven't seen the need to change from my claw. Boat has stayed secure despite 180-degree shifts in tidal-current direction.

I would hope so considering all those dock lines. :)
I've shown this pic before but I love this boat (just to look at). Notice how the bow is so clean and uncluttered w stuff like pulpits, ugly anchors and railings.

Mark posted a pic of a Danforth hung through a hawse hole (or is it "standpipe") and this boat does it so beautifully it almost makes me want to run right out and buy a nice big Danforth.

Peter would get upset at me for buy'in another anchor though. May happen sooner or later but who knows.


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