Underway Today

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Yeah, well, having lost nothing crossing the Atlantic, I managed to lose 5 of the 6 cushions for the foredeck, while tied up in Waterford.

Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5.

Need to take a dinghy ride along the breakwater. :)
The 10 minute can't leave it unattended rolling out the red carpet dock! I said screw it and got lucky.

Next time you are in there send me a pm. I will tell you my little secret. You were lucky. The Gasprilla Inn claims jurisdiction over the lagoon. The have security patrols catching dinghies tied up.
Great pictures Mark, thanks for sharing them. I hope to be taking some like that one day :thumb:
Spying on Daddyo

Haven't seen any pictures from Grace for a while. We left Cape May NJ harbor at 0530 this morning and look who is anchored in the harbor.;)


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Where are you headed for the summer nomast?
Took the boat out yesterday, nicest day since I've been up here, simply beautiful. Went to Great Diamond Island, cool little trip from South Portland.

**really don't care for the trawler forum app, hard (for me) to figure the rascal out as witnessed on the above multiple posts.
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