US Comes Home Flying Jolly Roger

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
You're kidding right?
Americas history is one non stop war with countless deaths and untold suffering.
You are involved in a few now.

You don't spend trillions of dollars on a war machine so you can go out checking crab pots and they don't fly jolly roger flags to tell you its "talk like a pirate" day.

And Thank God for that, because if not for the good old U.S. of A., you folks in Asia would just be one big slave colony of the Japanese, while in Europe, well, you know, don't you.

America makes mistakes, but our motives are usually good.

Yes, we spend a lot of money on defense because for the last 70 years, it has benefited most of the free world.

So why don't you let us decide how we want to spend our money.:dance:

And you can enjoy the delusional world you seem to live in.:hide:
I agree, as a Canadian I feel embarrassed that we spend so little on defense relying on the US but then tout our social welfare state as so superior? We would not be able to do so if we had to protect ourselves. If not prepared to actually have the forces we should at least physically pay for our protection. I know our government says our forces are there but they are so ill equipped and manned that they are actually a hazard to everyone else which is never reported by our blatantly biased left wing propaganda media machine. I for one am extremely grateful for the umbrella that our American friends provide us with.
And Thank God for that, because if not for the good old U.S. of A., you folks in Asia would just be one big slave colony of the Japanese, while in Europe, well, you know, don't you.

America makes mistakes, but our motives are usually good.

Yes, we spend a lot of money on defense because for the last 70 years, it has benefited most of the free world.

So why don't you let us decide how we want to spend our money.:dance:

And you can enjoy the delusional world you seem to live in.:hide:

Richard, you are "ON" today. Thanks.
...and what ? the Australian Military has been just baking cookies for the last 117 years ?

Second Boer War 1899-1902
Boxer Rebellion 1900-1901
WW I 1914-1918
Russian Revolution 1918-1919
Malatia 1927
Spanish Civil War 1936-1939
WW II 1939-1945 ( Australia entered 2 years before our "war machine" )
Occupation of Japan 1946-1952
Berlin Airlift 1948-1949
Korea 1950-1953
Malaya Emergency 1950-1960
Indonesian Confrontation 1962-1966
Vietnam 1962-1973
Fiji 1987
Namibia 1989
Gulf War 1991
Cambodia 1992-1993
Somalia 1993
Rwanda 1994-1995
East Timor 1999-2013
Afganistan 2001-Present
Iraq 2003-2011
Solomon Islands 2003-2013
vs ISIL 2014-Present

COOKIES! Good grief, we don't bake cookies we bake biscuits.
And Thank God for that, because if not for the good old U.S. of A., you folks in Asia would just be one big slave colony of the Japanese, while in Europe, well, you know, don't you.
While you make good points re: WW2, Japan and Germany and I am grateful for that, there it ends.

America makes mistakes, but our motives are usually good.
The people perhaps but not the ones who profit.
Their motives are purely monetary driven.

Every war since, and there have been many, has been about theft of resources, controlling markets and putting money in the pockets of those who have a vested interest.

Yes, we spend a lot of money on defense because for the last 70 years, it has benefited most of the free world.
No, it has benefited the corporations.

So why don't you let us decide how we want to spend our money.:dance:
Because how "YOU" spend your money affects the safety and lives of the rest of the planet

And you can enjoy the delusional world you seem to live in.:hide:
I think if you did a bit of research into the cause of wars, who the actual instigators are and see who the real beneficiaries are you will soon see who is delusional

War is big business.
America has become the Military Industrial Complex that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of.–industrial_complex

US Major General Smedley Butler saw through the BS, its a shame others cant.

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Staring down the Soviet Union for all those years might be worth something.
That furuno radar is one tough sucker

Looks like Furuno's new doppler NXT, which I just installed on our boat. Really nice stuff and if it's good enough for a SeaWolf attack sub, I guess it'll do for Stella.


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Staring down the Soviet Union for all those years might be worth something.

Cue Eisenhowers Miltary Industrial Complex speech.

Interesting that the Cold War started to develop not long after the Second World War when the USA and the USSR no longer had the common enemy of Nazism.

So yes, the cold war was certainly worth something those who made the bombs, bombers, bullets, missiles etc now that WW2 had dried up.

Then the hatred of communism continued onto other wars with "Reds Under the Bed"
More wars = more money for the "creators".

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and communism the "creators" had to come up with a new enemy.
What happened next do you think?
Who is the media telling you to hate now?
Do you see a pattern?
Looks like Furuno's new doppler NXT, which I just installed on our boat. Really nice stuff and if it's good enough for a SeaWolf attack sub, I guess it'll do for Stella.

I'm guessing its inside when under and when surfaced quickly put on the post and plugged in.
Being in the military and in Washington, DC for a couple years...I am not sure I need to cue into anything.

You are quoting men from a half century ago....maybe you haven't changed, but we have.... and I will agree sometimes not for the better but you still aren't the final word where even close unless you are Australia's minister of Defense, especially quoting 50 year old politics.

War has changed along with the world since WWII.

So discussing it with that start is a no go for me....especially since Australia has been in step right along with us for so long...just not capable of force projection like us. Plus....a student of history knows the cold war started during WWII...
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Simi...but why is the American Military so evil when Australia's Military has been right beside the US in most of the actions since WWII ? Perhaps your ire should be directed at militaries in general, and not just the U. S. ??
All I know is that I'm basking in a deep sense of satisfaction that I replaced all my salon lights with LED's, soft white, nice and cool and not hotter than the core of a nuclear reactor like the halogen G4's, and I've cut the amp load by 90%. And if I replace the oil pressure sending unit on the starboard engine this weekend and that finally solves my erratic oil pressure gauge, life will be even better.
The people perhaps but not the ones who profit.
Their motives are purely monetary driven.


1. I don't get my facts from Utube or Wikipedia.

2. It shows that this is a ridiculous conversation when your argument revolves about the USA making money on all our endeavors around the world.

Have a good life.
You guys stop derailing my thread or I will have you up before the CO.
Just remember before you go there, do you own a sub or a target? :D
I find it interesting when people bring up Eisenhower's Farewell Speech and label it as the Military Industrial Complex speech. It is instructive because of the title change to Military Industrial Complex from Farewell Speech. I would be willing to bet that most people who have mentioned Ike's "Military Industrial Complex" speech have actually read or listened to the speech. For those who have actually heard of the speech, I would think the number who have read or heard the speech has to be close to zero. :eek:

The speech has two main topics, one of which IS about the Military Industrial Complex but what is the other topic? It is the Research Industrial Complex. Kinda interesting that one topic of the speech is labeled and mentioned over and over and over but the other topic is ignored. Why?

Here is the text of the speech released to the press.

Section IV at the end of page two is the core of the speech. The previous paragraph(s) are important, and VERY relevant today, but lets just look at paragraph before Section IV:
The record of many decades stands as proof that our people and their government have, in the main, understood these truths and have responded to them well, in the face of stress and threat. But threats, new in kind or degree, constantly arise. I mention two only.

The first part of Section IV is all about the Military Industrial Complex but then Ike gets to the second threat, which to be fair and consistent, should be called the Research Industrial Complex.

Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been over shadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.

The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

Interesting that this section is never mentioned...

Then there is Section V which is very simple and to the point.

Another factor in maintaining balance involves the element of time. As we peer into society's future, we-you and I, and our government-must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow

Well, we sure have done what Ike warned against. It has been done on the Federal, state and local level and it has been done not because of the Military Industrial Complex.

People really should read what Ike had to say in his Farewell Speech which was FAR more than just a warning about the Military Industrial Complex.

Tis interesting to me how Ike's speech is renamed and spun to only mention less than half of what he said. It is also instructive to see how far this renaming and spinning has woven its way into the media and peoples consciousness.


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