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Wanted: Cheoy Lee 61 or Hatteras LRC 58/65

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
PPD, are you sure that the import tax applies to your situation on an older used boat which is documented/registered in Bermuda or wherever?
That is the feedback I’m getting so far from the customs broker. I am talking to a maritime attorney to get a second opinion and to find out what else we can do.
Too bad you didn’t find a Hatteras, they wouldn’t have that import duty.
Yes, that could have saved me this hassle. The drawback to the Hatteras is that it doesn’t have stairs to the flybridge. We want to avoid the ladder on this purchase, and the Cheoy Lee has 4 staterooms.

Nothing is ever easy.
The drawback to the Hatteras is that it doesn’t have stairs to the flybridge. We want to avoid the ladder on this purchase, and the Cheoy Lee has 4 staterooms.

I've sometimes wondered if some of the Hatt ladders could be converted to/replaced with staircases.

Never got too serious about it, though, mostly 'cause of two-stroke DDs and some 32V DC systems on older Hatts that I might like and/or be able to afford. Some owners say those are no big deal, though.

We looked at a 58LRC and the ladder to the bridge was an issue fo us too. We have a 90 pound Lab that couldn’t do the ladder. I designed a hoist in my mind to lift him up and down. But my wife didn’t like the boat so it didn’t matter.
We had a Hatt 70 under contract last fall, but it failed to get off the dock for sea trial 3 times.

I had planned on changing the ladder out to stairs, but it was going to be a very involved project.

I had a hard time just getting up through the ladder/hatch. I’m 6’-4” so I kind of have to contort myself a bit to snake up through. And the wife didn’t see us carrying food and dishes up there to enjoy the flybridge with that ladder.

That’s how we zeroed in on the Cheoy Lee. The stairway is passable for us, the kids and the dog.

Survey is starting on Wednesday. Keeping my
Fingers crossed that the boat is as advertised in the listing.

I’m looking for a good maritime attorney to help with the importing. Does anyone know of one they can recommend? I have enlisted Howard Reeder Inc to do the leg work once the boat is purchased, but I want to engage an attorney prior to purchase to make sure the boat was closed properly at the the last sale (offshore in international waters to preserve the previously paid duty/taxes to the US).

Thanks all
The update is the survey was cancelled by the seller due to a family medical emergency, so we are rescheduling for another day. I'm anticipating a pretty long, drawn out process to get this deal to happen, assuming the boat is acceptable.
So an update on this process for anyone interested:
Surveyor got on the bought a month and a half ago, but the owner didn't seem to happy to have him poking around. Prior to that, the owner "rejected" the diesel mechanic due to some personal conflict stemming from the mechanic's daughter and the owner's daughter or something. Owner wanted me to use his diesel mechanic (told him not a chance - my guy or nothing).

Fast forward to today - Surveyor has tried several times to reschedule the survey and sea trial, but the owner is non responsive.

Bottom line - not a good feeling, too much small island drama. Unfortunately I think I will be moving on with my search to find a different boat.
Mr. PPD. IF you decide to proceed with the CL, keep in mind regarding the "Chinese" import duty, that when the CL was made, Hong Kong was in BRITISH hands. Perhaps there is a legal work around that your attorney can build on.
So an update on this process for anyone interested:
Surveyor got on the bought a month and a half ago, but the owner didn't seem to happy to have him poking around. Prior to that, the owner "rejected" the diesel mechanic due to some personal conflict stemming from the mechanic's daughter and the owner's daughter or something. Owner wanted me to use his diesel mechanic (told him not a chance - my guy or nothing).

Fast forward to today - Surveyor has tried several times to reschedule the survey and sea trial, but the owner is non responsive.

Bottom line - not a good feeling, too much small island drama. Unfortunately I think I will be moving on with my search to find a different boat.

That is a shame. Seems like he doesn't want to sell - hard to sell a huge boat in a faraway location with import challenges even in a strong market. You'd think he'd be jumping through hoops to make sure the deal closes. Keep us posted - I love those big old Chevy Lees & the one in the PNW has been tempting me for months.

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