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Wanted: WANTED: Large Flybridge

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Capt. JB

Veteran Member
Feb 16, 2014
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In the hunt for a new/used flybridge with hardtop (if available) to ADD to my pilothouse trawler. Needs to be around a 9ft x 9ft dimension. Let me know what you have and we'll figure out the details.

Josh 714-658-0002

Something like this:

A new flybridge? Who would cut off their new fb for a sale?

What are you offering for a used flybridge? I suppose any boat's for sale for the right price, so maybe any boat part is for sale for the right price. I've got one only lightly used in the last 4 years that is for sale at the "right" price.

Post a picture of your boat. Let's see what you're working with.
You might want to call these guys. They buy overstock from boat builders.
Marine Connection Liquidators

I suspect you'll have to have one made. Who built the boat in the photo? (Jarvis Newman?) I bet you could get them to make one for you. Any boat builders in your neighborhood? Check with them.
This is my boat currently in the final stages. If I can find a good used take off, that would be best. A new one is PRICEY :eek:. Either way, I want to compare and see what's available.

Thanks guys,



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I searched far and wide for a source of large, used fiberglass boat parts that I could modify for various projects. Outside of the rare salvage unit, the most available source seemed to be Fiberglass Concepts in Kentucky. They make lots of House Boat parts including two sizes of pre-fab fly-bridges and various sizes of roof panels for hard tops. Their prices are OK, but I've seen the same parts cheaper from Houseboats Plus. Either has their own website you can find online. They may be able to build a special size.


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You might want to call these guys. They buy overstock from boat builders.
Marine Connection Liquidators

I suspect you'll have to have one made. Who built the boat in the photo? (Jarvis Newman?) I bet you could get them to make one for you. Any boat builders in your neighborhood? Check with them.

I second this outfit for finding the rare out of production parts, but you really have to go there in person, as their website isn't thorough, up to date, or inclusive to say the least. If you call, they'll just tell you that you need to come look for yourself. Then there's shipping isn't there, which would likely cost as much as the supplies to just build one from scratch. Or you can go to West Marine, ask for a manager, slip him a twenty and ask him to show you "the back room where you keep the good stuff".
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Thanks guys for all the info! I called Marine Connections and Fiberglass Concepts and hope to hear back from them by Monday. I wish Socal had places like this!

You might want to call these guys. They buy overstock from boat builders.
Marine Connection Liquidators

I suspect you'll have to have one made. Who built the boat in the photo? (Jarvis Newman?) I bet you could get them to make one for you. Any boat builders in your neighborhood? Check with them.

I think they had one sitting in the parking lot about a month ago. I don't think it was quite that large.
The size is somewhat negociable. I want to utilize the space as best as I can. They aren't open Monday, so I'll try again Tuesday. Hope the one you saw will work :thumb: and is still available.

I just happen to have one, already removed. It's about 9 x 9. Came off of a BurnsCraft Eldorado, 1980 model. It's in decent shape.
PM sent.
There was one for sale in the south San Francisco area about that size, I almost bought it for my old California trawler but it was a little too big.

The price was pretty good I think less than $2000 and it was brand new, the guy may have sold it by now but who knows it was on Craigslist in 2012

Might be worth a search based on your location.

It was a stretch, but didn't find anything. Maybe you have his number lying around? Really appreciate it :thumb:


With the style of that pilothouse, a fairly square fly-bridge design would work well, which also works in your favor. Lots of old Bayliners and Silvertons had pretty square FB's, as are, by the way, the pre-fab units from Fiberglass Concepts. Most recently, a Great Harbor Trawlers "N-series" FB has the style but might be too big. Still, they'd probably build it for you.

Thanks for all the input! I hope to find something soon.

Still looking...let me know.

I know BillyIII who posts here is planning to take the FB off his new-to-him Gulfstar 36. You could look him up and PM; issue is it is in Maryland.
It's a real long long shot but give these guys in Costa Mesa a call.


I really doubt they'd have one but they may be able to put you in touch with someone local who does.

I was at Lake Havasu in February and saw a couple of flybridges sitting in a storage lot. Looked like they came off a houseboat. You may call a few of the boatyards over that way.

One more long shot is


These guys are known for engines but have a little bit of everything.
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Thanks guys. I'll give those leads a shot.

I know BillyIII who posts here is planning to take the FB off his new-to-him Gulfstar 36. You could look him up and PM; issue is it is in Maryland.
George, I haven't decided yet if I am removing the upper help and Fiberglass skirt. The boat's currently on the Middle River in the Chesapeake.
Josh and I have been talking. I officially close on the Gulfstar this Tuesday. I'm going to run it for about 2 weeks and then make up my mind if it's being removed or I'm keeping it. I'm leaning towards removing it.
Josh I'll get the measurements Tuesday and some pictures. The beauty of mine is Josh gets the steering wheel, throttles and shifts, shift cables, instruments, a new Bimini top, the upper seating cushions and a bunch of other good stuff. The kind of parts that you wouldn't get from a fabrication shop.

Hey Everyone,

Still looking for a suitable flybridge and hardtop if available. All my leads didn't work out. Let me know if anyone has something.


Instant flying bridge. (Where's my remote control?)

Nice find, Ron. Hard to get more complete than that. I know of one over i Stuart, FL on a Hatt Sport Fisher, but more like 12 x 10 I think. Boat is being scrapped.
Awesome guys! Exactly what I'm looking for! Called him and hoping for the best.

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