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Wanted: Liveaboard Trawler

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jan 30, 2010
I am looking for a trawler in the 40-50ft range to be used as a liveaboard.


It must have a diesel. *Ideally it would be a Nordhavn 46' *but that is a bit out of budget. *


Let me know if you have something like this for sale.
I am getting more serious about selling my 44 Thompson. PM me if your are interested.
I know of a great deal in the 55' range a steel trawler that has been through the Panama 3 times. Reason for sale is sad the owners wife became ill and died while enroute to the Pacific.

Email me or call if you want more info.



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gwkiwi wrote:
I know of a great deal in the 55' range a steel trawler that has been through the Panama 3 times. Reason for sale is sad the owners wife became ill and died while enroute to the Pacific.

Email me or call if you want more info.

wow that is a world cruiser right there.* I'm glad the couple got some cruising in (assuming they were the ones who transitted the canal three times)*before the wife passed away.

I have a 53 Hatteras motor yacht I set up as a livaboard older boat but solid. Low engine and gen hrs.

Can be run like a trawler of faster if you want*very econonical for size*.

Major rework 2004, change of plans boat is now for sale. Just lowered the price by 60k since spring.

If intrested email me at draco1507@hotmail.com

Maverick wrote:
Are you still looking?* If so, you might seriously consider our trawler.* It is perfect for living aboard - and we have dropped the price from $449,000 to $275,000.* It's worth taking a look anyway.* http://www.shipshapesystems.com/MaverickForSale.html


*Heidi, all I can say is....WOW!!!! *What a fine ship Maverick is!!!!
Thank you!* We gave 15 years of our lives away to rebuild and most of our money.* Never expected to need to sell.* ... hurts like hell to lower it so low but there you go - life must go on!
They are practically giving away big Hatteras


-- Edited by Max Simmons on Tuesday 17th of January 2012 05:50:11 PM
Holy Smokes. That may be the most desirable PNW boat I've ever seen. That boat is a work of art, and one that I'd have pursued if my life were in the PNW. Truly, I wish you guys the best of fortunes, cuz I don't think I've seen a better value. She's so deep that we just couldn't manage it here in FL. At our dock, she'd be sitting on here skegs (albeit safely). *If it were mine, I'd name it "Beyond Awesome".

-- Edited by healhustler on Tuesday 17th of January 2012 07:11:45 PM
There was an article in Passagemaker on this boat a while back.Larry
It must have a diesel. *Ideally it would be a Nordhavn 46' *but that is a bit out of budget. *

Why would you want a boat with ocean crossing blue water ability, to sit aground in your coffe grounds living aboard?

The cramped space , loss of storage due to big tankage , and the usual 300% higher price (for offshore construction) , just to be able to strut the dock?

One of the old Hatt motor yachts (or similar) will be far better as a home afloat, and far easier to sell when the time comes.

Lots more folks have $25K to $75K than $750K.

I have a 1980, 47' Sea Ranger, pilothouse trawler in San diego, $94,500.00 just refited and painted.
Kurt 480-948-7053
I've lived aboard my Defever 38 tri-cabin for 4 years, and plans with the family have forced a move back to shore. We remodeled the interior to make it a comfortable home- especially the master stateroom and the bathroom and split shower. The boat is now for sale (located in Biloxi, MS)

If this size boat interests you, let me know and I'll send you pictures and more information.


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Great live-aboard 1980 47' C&L Sea Ranger, pilothouse-trawler, she is in San Diego,...but will deliver for fuel cost!
She is priced well below all the comp's in her class. Ready for sea!!! $94,500.00. Check out yachtworld.com for proof of value. The season is upon us!
Any interested party please call Kurt 480-948-7053 Home Page
New fuel tanks, all upgrades, etc.. I warrant everything to work, except wife!
We are right across from the airport in San Diego and can pick u up!
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