Washing Machine frustration

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Liquid detergents have always worked well with out two Splendides, but you need to make sure that you are using detergent with the HE (High Efficiency) logo. Otherwise, you will have WAY too many suds . . . don't ask my why I know this:whistling::nonono:
Washing machine debacle !

Hello Everyone... it’s been a while since my last post, however, that was probably due to extreme frustration on the washer front !
My last update, supported heavily by the manufacturer serviceman, was to not use liquid detergent. Bzzzzzt. Wrong again !
Turns out the symptoms of having a blocked pipe were correct although it wasn’t blocked. After a significant investigative effort, at a nominal cost (Shipwrights know how to charge - as we all know), turns out the distance the water had to be ‘pumped’ to reached the exit was generating symptoms of a blocked hose. Machine would shut down.
So, to rectify the situation a sump pump with large accumulator tank was installed. Machine pumps to accumulation tank, tank is pumped out under pressure. Problem solved. Machine and water drainage works a treat ... many many washes since.
What I neglected to advise was that we did replace the washing machine, getting the old one out is a story for another time. It would appear the washer was installed before the upper deck was joined to the hull ! You can let your imagination flow from that comment.
We are about to enter summer, so the balance of life will return to normal ! COVID normal that is !
Cheers and happy boating.
I know the challenge of replacing a washer/dryer. I had an apartment style washer dryer stacked combo. The only way it was coming out was by being disassembled. Once out I decided it was silly to attempt a repair on a 30 year old machine and the best course of action was a new machine. I bought a eruo style Samsung stacked pair. While they sit in the same foot print of the stacked combo machine they are much bigger. I really didn't want to take a new washer and dryer apart and reassemble them in place but I didn't see much option. Then I had a stroke of genius I was able to cut a door in my closet. This allowed me to bring the new machines into the boat, then down through an emergency hatch into the master bedroom, then through the closet and the new door into the guest room and then through the door and into the Waster/Dryer cabinet.

Fortunately, in my case the washer pumps the water straight down in to a small tank in the bilge where a bilge pump then takes over and pumps overboard.

On a positive side, our new machines can easily handle a full set of king size bed sheets in one load. We do throw in a set of Wool Balls to keep the sheets from balling up.
Thanks for sharing your replacement story. I share your creativity however we didn’t have to cut into any existing cupboards. We (a team of four shipwrights) did have to ‘deconstruct’ said washer to get it through the main saloon stairway !! They did a great job - not one scratch on any wall, floor or railing !
Anyway, whilst sharing your story with the Admiral, she asked me ...”what are wool balls” ?
Appreciate your reply.
Thanks. You learn something everyday !


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