Water Pump Running

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Feb 16, 2022
Vessel Name
Dream Catcher
Vessel Make
1979 Island Gypsy 44 Flush Aft Deck
A new learning experience is coming my way. Out to the boat to do a little look-see fitment thing and had to go so I did.

What is that noise? Too loud for fridge, fans and blowers off...

Down to the engine room and it's the freshwater pump. Not hot, but running constant. Back to the bridge, shut off the pump breaker and all is well. When I return I'll hit all the tanks and find out which are dry and which are "reserve". Only thing I can think that would have the pump running constant with a pressure bladder on the loop, no water to lift.

God, I love boats! Always something new to learn and explore - :)
Typically, when I leave my boat things like that are shut down except charger and bilge pumps. And depends on how long I am going to be away.
It is very possible that a hose ruptured and the FW pump emptied the water tank into the bilge. Then those pesky bilge pumps pumped it all overboard to get rid of the evidence. There are other possibilities as well. I would start with adding water to all the tanks and then see what happens from there.

I love bilge pump cycle counters. You get a lot of information from them.
Haven't been there for a couple weeks. Bilge pump counter didn't register at all. Got in the boat and turned on the lights, the heads and the water pump. Pump didn't cycle at turn on. When I ran the head (flushed) the pump kept running.

Me thinks the water tanks that are on are now dry. I have 5 water tanks. It will be fun to find the ones that are on.
Haven't been there for a couple weeks. Bilge pump counter didn't register at all. Got in the boat and turned on the lights, the heads and the water pump. Pump didn't cycle at turn on. When I ran the head (flushed) the pump kept running.

Me thinks the water tanks that are on are now dry. I have 5 water tanks. It will be fun to find the ones that are on.

If the tanks still have water in them it’s possible the pump is bypassing internally, not able to build quite enough pressure to trip the high pressure set point in the pump.
Occasionally those pumps just lose their prime. Not often but it does happen.

Five water tanks??

I'll find out next time I go. Going to fill them all and that will tell the ones that are shut off (full) and the ones that are on (empty).

Yeah the boat has 5 water tanks, 4 diesel tanks and 1 waste.
I have been on board when the pump turns on/off randomly. Check all taps and find one not fully closed. But as a rule fresh water pump off when boat is left.
I shut everything down when leaving also, except the bilge pumps. No taps are open. I think the toilet flush was the last of the water and the pump can't make pressure against the accumulator by pumping air.
I returned to my boat last week after being gone for 6 weeks. Heard the water pump running. My first thought was Oh Crap, what’s leaking. After a little investigation I discovered it was the water maker’s auto flushing. I just happened to show up during its weekly 15 minute auto flush.
We had a similar issue and it was a diaphragm inside the pump that went bad. The pump works on pressure and relies on the diaphragm(s) to not only create, but also maintain the pressure. With a rupture, the pressure leaks back out of the head commanding the pump to actuate to maintain the pressure setting.

It's a great opportunity to upgrade to a positive displacement gear type water pump. Good luck.

It's a great opportunity to upgrade to a positive displacement gear type water pump. Good luck.

I dont know about those. But i am tired of the noisy diaphragm pump we have now.
Sounds like a oil pump from an old Buick? [emoji847]
Most pump noise it due to the mounting & hard piping.
Mount on 2 sections of unreinforced hose and use hose vs Pex or similar rigid tube for final connection to pump and most can barely be heard.
Bel I w showsthe method but still Pex and fairly stiff hose for mounting. Softer is better. 1485996783829.jpg
Yeah. I can hear mine running too, but maybe that's a good thing eh? Right away I knew something was amiss. But not really a problem as once it stores some water in the pressure tank it shuts off. Runs for about 30 seconds and shuts off. It would run constant on a shower or a sink fill but then you would have that noise going on too.

The worst is you have a leak and the thing does the on-off when you are trying to sleep and even then you can always shut it down.
Often times a continually running fresh water pump can be traced to a faulty pressure regulator on the pump.
I rely on being able to hear my waterpump. But I understand those that have other methods to monitor pump activation (counters etc.)
Look forward

I had a similar issue with my boat—a carver 460 Voyager. The faucet and hose for cleaning the anchor were open just enough that it would empty my water tank in a couple of days. I always dock stern in, so I couldn't see the water intermittently draining from the fender locker on the starboard side bow where the faucet is. Not until one day on a cruise, while docking starboard to the dock, did I notice the stream coming from the drain!
Needless to say, it was exasperating looking for a leak in every line in the boat and not thinking of that one! Lesson learned.
I'll find out next time I go. Going to fill them all and that will tell the ones that are shut off (full) and the ones that are on (empty).

Yeah the boat has 5 water tanks, 4 diesel tanks and 1 waste.
So,yet to find the fault?
My IG36 had 1000L/250 gals spread over 4 tanks, 2 side tanks, one bow(post build addition),one lazarrette. All steel, no leaks after 40 years.
Gate valves open, filling one at least partly filled the others too.
While at sea,I once lost water from a hose coming loose. Only investigated on hearing the bilge pump run,better having a helm warning.
Nah, haven't been back since I posted. Just a check on the bilge pump counter (ran once), both pumps (OK) and the furniture is still there but blow over (left it like that)

We got the cold artic storms, the big blowing winds, flooding and now the pineapple express. The Delta is mud brown, high and flowing fast. I'll fill the tanks next trip and start getting ready to run. Been so cold of late I didn't even want to work on the inside.
I had this happen to me on my Whale pump. I had to replace the pressure switch inside the pump. It was easy to do.
A few months ago I came onboard to find the pump running, the tank empty, and the bilge full.

I keep the boat heated, but the plastic hose fitting inside the anchor locker that feeds the washdown hose was exposed enough to pop during a cold snap.
A few months ago I came onboard to find the pump running, the tank empty, and the bilge full.

I keep the boat heated, but the plastic hose fitting inside the anchor locker that feeds the washdown hose was exposed enough to pop during a cold snap.

I always make it a point to shut down everything at the breakers when I’m leaving the boat for any length of time. Bilge pumps are the only system left on.
I shut off breaker and then open a lower point taps. In my thinking that leaves room in case water freezes to expand before a concern.

Any line like the one to anchor locker should have a low point drain, heating cannot get there easily. IMO
I dont know about those. But i am tired of the noisy diaphragm pump we have now.
Sounds like a oil pump from an old Buick? [emoji847]

I really like my XCaliber. When it loses prime like low water issue, it detects the low resistance spin and shuts down. Cut in and Cut out water pressure is settable. Very quiet. Very expensive though.
Went out today and solved the problem. Water tanks empty. Filled and then switched on the pump which ran for longer than I expected so I turned on a faucet and that made it run louder so I figured I got it primed good so I shut off the faucet and the pump stopped running a couple seconds later.

Fixed - :)
I really like my XCaliber. When it loses prime like low water issue, it detects the low resistance spin and shuts down. Cut in and Cut out water pressure is settable. Very quiet. Very expensive though.

Specs on that read very nice. I gotta see if my wires can handle the 25 Amps.
Me thinks the water tanks that are on are now dry. I have 5 water tanks. It will be fun to find the ones that are on.

Roger, I feel so inadequate! We only have TWO water tanks . . . . But when the Whale fitting on one of the water heater failed, the water pump dutifully pumped 350 gallons of water into the bilge . . . . and was humming along dry for a while before we noticed. . . . . That's the second Whale fitting we've had fail, so out they all came!:D
Hehe, I may have 5 tanks, but only 200 gallons. I know where 4 of them are but not the fifth. Somewhere (yet unknown) there is another tank. Unless I have 5 deck fills and 1 is a double?

Ah the mysteries of old boats - :)
Hehe, I may have 5 tanks, but only 200 gallons. I know where 4 of them are but not the fifth. Somewhere (yet unknown) there is another tank. Unless I have 5 deck fills and 1 is a double?

Ah the mysteries of old boats - :)
Weird. You had 5 tanks at post 4. Determined using the number of fills? My IG fills had "Water" and the tank volume stamped into the bronze cap. If you`ve got 2 side, one bow, one aft/lazarette, where could the 5th be? Are you sure all 5 are for water?

But I also know there were mods done because both black iron diesel tanks on the port side were replaced with stainless steel tanks. I have 2 diesel, one water and one waste deck fittings port side and 4 water, 2 diesel starboard. There is one big water tank starboard (engine room) and another engine room center on the deck. The other two I know about are forward of saloon below deck port and starboard centered.

Yeah, sort of a mystery. When I filled the tanks I only hit the starboard ones, hose not long enough for port. The 2 middle fills took a lot of water, but the first and last were full. Next time I'll bring more hose and hit the port side fill.
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