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We want a boat ! floating condo trawler type or?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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C&L Universal Hampton Bays 39 "Fianna"

I have owned this wonderful trawler for about ten years. She is currently on the hard for the winter in Chester, Connecticut. I will re-launch her in late April for the 2019 boating season.

The configuration of the Hampton Bays is unique, There is a walk-around queen in the step-down aft Captain's cabin, a full head with a bath tub. There is plenty of storage surrounding the queen.

Moving forward, the salon is spacious with windows on all sides. The galley has a full refrigerator, microwave, electric cook-top and oven and a deep sink. There is a table on the other side of the salon that easily seats three or can be converted into a bunk bed for visitors. There is a control station on the starboard side allowing navigation in inclement weather.

As you move forward into the step down crew cabin, there is a double bed bunk on the starboard side and a head up forward in the Vee. There is a hanging closet and plenty of additional storage space.

Topside, aft is a large area suitable for dining, sunning or fishing. As you move forward, a few steps up is a the bridge with extensive seating to keep company with the captain as he effortless guides the twin Lehman 120 diesels from the flying bridge.

Fianna was built in 1984 in the C&L Shipyards and has spent her entire life on the East Coast of the US. For the past ten years she has been docked in fresh water on the Connecticut River.

I have plenty of pictures and more technical descriptions if you are interested. I am asking $79,900 for her.


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    out of water.jpg
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We have a 14 year old daughter homeschooled, and I want her to have privacy, so a double cabin is required, diesels, and a large salon with plenty of light is preferred. /QUOTE]

Your daughter won't have privacy on a 38-45 foot boat unless you're speaking of a head and a bunk only. Even if she gets the larger aft cabin, the amount of space is limited. Also, her private space will be a dark place even if the salon is well lighted.
Mr. CR. Looks like a '69 AMC Javelin.

Built in my home port of Kenosha. The town was devastated when the plant closed and production went to Mexico. Cars built there since 1905. Car show every summer featuring a lot of AMC’s ....wider is better
Rufus, with all due respect, a family living on a trawler has to deal with a limited amount of space but the more possibilities for separation, the better. There are eight areas on Fianna that afford privacy: The aft cabin, the salon, the forward cabin, the aft deck, the forward deck, the aft bridge area and the main bridge area. The eighth area is the dingy. A 14 year old can seek solace in any of these areas to maintain her separation from her parents. Her forward cabin is her domain - equipped with her own electronics, she can live in the world of hip-hop while her parents enjoy classical music in their cabin. The salon provides an excellent area for home schooling but reading or other work assignments can be parsed out to any of the other areas of the trawler.
Gb 42

I have a great 1978 Grand Banks 42 Classic. I’ve done many restorative projects. She is ready to go. 412.638.7420.
Thanks to all for responding, our boat search has changes dramatically. We spent a week on the Gulf Side of Florida and a week near Stuart Florida, home now in S.C.
Summary: I called several brokers before i went ot Florida and explained what we wanted, or what we thought we would like, were not brand specific, but had a 100k target budget....................not one agent , broker or person ever called, responded, or provided any guidance or help with our search.....so...it's changed.
We now have a very nice home in Sewells Pointe with a 20,000 pound lift....so we don't need a livaboard weekend condo anymore.....thinking a 26-30 planing hull type boat might be the ticket.....starting all over and think brokers might not be interested in our budget...still 100k ......and open to anybodys thoughs or suggestions...
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