Webasto help pleasešŸ˜

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Senior Member
Jul 16, 2022
Installed new webasto evo 40 diesel heater, took 3 tries and then a reset and it fired off on the 4th try. Took a bit to get the fuel pumped up to unit from day tanks in the lazzertte.

Unit works for a bit, couple minutes and then shows flashing error code on the controller( just have the dial type at present) I checked the fuel filter and thereā€™s some air in it. Which maybe the problem, sucking that last bit of air in the fuel line. Iā€™m thinking at some point the air should get out of the lines while restarting unit when it stops.

Also in the pic, I have a tee right near the heat outlet, wondering if I need a bit longer run at the outlet, Iā€™m thinking I may be getting a over temp as the tee is to close to the unit.

Gonna be nice this winter if I can get the unit sorted out, thanks again for all your help



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