Welcome to the Site Team

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Moderator Emeritus
Sep 12, 2011
ksanders and dwhatty have agreed to help us continue in our efforts to make the Trawler Forum the fun and informative place we all love and enjoy. As we grow it takes a bit of effort behind the scenes to keep things spam free and friendly. To that end these two gentleman will add their wisdom that is tempered with their many years of active participation here.

Welcome aboard guys.
Sounds like great additions to the Site Team, as well as worlds of fun ahead for the two. :) Congratulations!
Thanks folks!

Esse Quam Videri
Thanks to those two for stepping up. I enjoy TF. I don't post a lot, but do a lot of reading and looking.
Thanks guys for stepping up to the tasks at hand. I know how much work goes on in the background to keep things working well. While I am at it, thanks to all involved..........:Thanx::Thanx::Thanx::Thanx:
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Hey fellas...
Sincere congrats to the Mod Team.
Thanks very much guys.

Its great to be here and help out!

I've gotten allot out of TF, and hope to give a little something back.
Thanks for all your hard work. Like a sponge, I soak up everything here.
Great! Guys!! And, Thanks... Art
Thanks for stepping up guys :thumb: and a big thanks to all the rest of you.
Oh my, two more sheriffs. I've got to get back to OTDE. There is a Mule on the loose.:D

Really guys thanks for stepping upl:thumb:
Wish I could "like" this news! :rofl::hide:

I kid, I kid...:peace:

Thank you guys!!! :smitten:
The Site Team is lucky to have these two guys. They've been long time contributors and know their way around the neighborhood.

They're both well-respected and helpful posters, but we should be able to break them of that by the time they're done with their TF Site Team Boot Camp.

Thanks, guys.

Are there retirements to be announced so appreciation can be expressed for job well-done?
Thank you guys for what you R gonna do....

Also a consistent follower of TF. Appreciate all those who make this work and all who contribute. Hope someday with more experience to have greater input. Thanks to all,happy boating everyone!
Your and the existing teams efforts are appreciated. Behind the scenes work is very easy to overlook. So a big thanks to all of you!
Great. More internet cops.


  • You'll never take me alive copper!.jpg
    You'll never take me alive copper!.jpg
    32 KB · Views: 91
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It is so mysterious. What goes on behind the curtain of Mod Land stays behind the curtain.:eek:
It is so mysterious. What goes on behind the curtain of Mod Land stays behind the curtain.:eek:

Not everything. Here is a candid photo of me moderating the forum.

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Here is FlyWright enjoying retirement

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The help wanted sign David and Kevin replied to

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Janet looking on disapprovingly at our misdeeds

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Peter and Bruce preparing drinks for the office party

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The avatar we are negotiating with Tom to replace his current one with

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Marty trying to decide which boat he will cruise this year down to the islands

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Changing of the guard?

Now I can let it all hang out ..

For awhile

And all my posting restrictions are lifted .. .

Those guys are prolly gunna be tough

Prolly beta fugettit
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