What’s the scoop on coast guard documentation?

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Yes previously documented. Do I need to get the abstract with it?
Yes previously documented. Do I need to get the abstract with it?
I didnt but that's optional if there is any question re clear title.
I think with prior doc # you can satisfy the NY reg reqmt, by paying any tax due and the reg fee. Save the Fed Doc application and carry it... that's what I did until Doc went thru and was recd.
I have submitted my coast guard documentation forms I have not received anything back from the coast guard other than an acknowledgement that they have received my paperwork. Can I register my boat with my state without any official paper work from the coast guard?
I have submitted my coast guard documentation forms I have not received anything back from the coast guard other than an acknowledgement that they have received my paperwork. Can I register my boat with my state without any official paper work from the coast guard?


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