What do you make of this?

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Sep 10, 2012
Vessel Name
Sea Fever
Vessel Make
Defever 49 RPH
Saw this boat outside of Cap Sante Marina in Anacortes about 10 days ago. Was being escorted by two tugs. Very strange. Has anyone else see this boat or know anything about it? Maybe being refurbished? New construction and not painted yet?


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Pretty sure she’s been on the hard at Delta Marine near the Duwamish for the last few years. Pilots landing at SeaTac have been commenting that somebody must have run out of money. If I land south on Thursday I’ll see if she’s gone.
Visually, it looks like the upper deck was on fire and the rest was sunk in mud. Of course, I have no knowledge of this boat. I'm just going by what I see in the pic.

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